Current US COVID related deaths: 977,402
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 975,150
My goal for Tuesday (3/1) was to get the new customer quilt basted, and the program set up. It wasn’t easy to baste….I remember doing something yesterday and thinking ‘’I don’t think my shoulder liked that’’, but I don’t remember what it was. Well today….hauling XENA around, my shoulder let me know that it wasn’t particularly happy :~(. Anyway, by early afternoon (after Michael had left for his haircut, a stop at CVS, the bird store and Hobby Lobby) it was done:

This would be considered a modern quilt....right June?
I set up the program and started stitching it out:

This particular stitch takes a long time to stitch out…and I have to watch this quilt for every stitch, so that was the rest of my afternoon and early evening.
Michael left at 6 PM for the movies, and I stopped for a quick dinner before getting back to quilting. I will be glad when this one is done! Look how pretty my Lucy baby sits on my table...asking for some love (and Janice & Mary....see what I'm watching in the background):

I am SO HOT to start a new project…but I am being very stern with myself over finishing other things first. I need:
-to cut and sew another border and binding for the jungle looking center
-to make binding for my quilt
-borders and binding for a QoV I put together at QUAP
-bindings for 3 other tops made at QUAP
I am determined to complete all of those other things before starting something new!
Anyway, by the time I quit at 8 PM, I only had 3 rows left to do on my customer quilt. I watched TV until Michael was home just after 9 PM and then we watched together until bed.
And, just in time for Shrove Tuesday, Arizona Mary (who is currently in the Netherlands, visiting kids and grandkids) made blueberry donuts with her daughter Jess:

WOW – a lot of these really hit home for me…
1 – forgetting someone’s name 10 seconds after they tell me.
2 – buying produce…and throwing it away 2 weeks later.
3 – digging through the trash for the food box I just tossed, because I already forgot the directions.
4 – making plans…and then immediately regretting making plans.
5 – leaving laundry in the dryer until it wrinkles. Then turning on the dryer to de-wrinkle. Then forgetting it again. (This one is Michael, since he dries and folds all of the stuff)
6 – calculating how much sleep I’ll get if I can just ‘’fall asleep right now’’.
Send me a donut!!!!!
Yes that would be a modern quilt. Those blueberry donuts look luscious.