Michael headed out on errands (chiro, CVS, Harris Teeter, library) Tuesday morning (8/1), while I got set up in the kitchen to do some binding:

I worked on it on and off all day, with Lucy for company:

and by the afternoon, I had a totally finished quilt:

This quilt will be going to a woman recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and I will also send along a fidget quilt from Corinne.
Michael left after 6 PM to pick up Larry and head to the movies…..I knit the evening away, but was in bed just before 10 PM, and never even heard Michael when he eventually got home at 11 PM.
I knew it was a mistake to do this, but I paid for our Fort Mill Tickets before I left on vacation, even though one of the couples had not yet paid me. They just told me they are dropping out (!!!!!)…and yes, they knew I had paid for them already :~(, so I’m stuck with 2 $20 tix. I am willing to discount to $15 apiece if anyone is interested in going on August 12. I cannot provide a ride, as our car is already full. PLEASE let me know ASAP if you are interested.
The play is NEXT TO NORMAL: A Musical: An unflinching look at a suburban family struggling with the effects of mental illness and how they cope.
*** I don’t have a train of thought. I have 7 trains on 4 tracks that narrowly avoid each other when the paths cross and all of the conductors are screaming! ***
The walk about quilt is wonderful! And to think, I gave my mermaid fabric away! I think the couple who backed out should pay for the tickets, especially since they knew you were paying up front! Like Pam, I'm going already going too.
Basque cheesecake ready for tomorrow. Next month, I'll need to make something other than cheesecake or I'll be labelled a one-trick pony.
I’m already going to the play with a group. Hate that you got “stuck.”
see you tomorrow!
Choo-Choo-CHOO -Choo!!!!
Love the Square Walk About quilt! The colors are great and I love the mermaids! Very oceany!