Michael left at 9:30 AM for golf on Monday (6/19) and I spent most of the morning reading and loving on my Cookie baby. She is having intestinal distress again, and is just not herself….so I just loved on her until Pat picked me up for machine embroidery club. We had a very lively meeting…and really incredible show and tell:

Penny refurbishes American Girl Dolls and makes clothes for them. She got on a shoe making tear....aren't they adorable???

I was home after 3 PM and talked with my honey a bit…they got in 8 holes of golf before the rain defeated them…and my honey even got a birdie!
We had leftovers for dinner and watched a new show on PBS called RIDLEY. It was the first of a 2 part-er….so then we jumped over to PASSPORT and watched the rest of it :~).
And Mary Jo gave her sister the exploding heart quilt she quilted while she was visiting here...it was for her sister's birthday...and she LOVED it:

*** I think the me who buys groceries and the me that actually has to cook the meals are 2 entirely different people. ***
Those tiny shoes!! (Especially the candy cane ones!)
Who buys the groceries?????
Mary Jo's exploding heart quilt is just fabulous! I love the colors. The patriotic table runner is so summery and looks great. I really love Pat's towels with the coffee, wine and martini embroideries. Those are some very talented ladies you hang out with! Give Cookie and hug from me. Hope she feels better.
Recognized Eileen McGee with her bird and butterfly quilt. Beautiful, glad she is still embroidering.