My honey woke me up with THRILLING news on Saturday morning (9/17)…my appointment at the car dealer had been cancelled!!! All week I had been thinking that I would have all day Saturday to myself, then when we came home from the performance Friday night and were talking, I said ‘’oh no…is tomorrow when I’m supposed to take the car in?’’…and of course the answer was yes :~(. Supposedly one of our sensors hasn’t been working….it’s a little ‘’1984’’ that our car sends reports to the dealer about what’s going on….but I guess they’ve discovered that rather than something wrong with the car, the sensor itself is going off…and that can be fixed when we’re there for something else….so….HOORAY!!!
Michael left for golf before 8 AM (and I’ll try to get the score right this time :~), and I putzed around upstairs, having breakfast and reading my book before eventually heading to the studio. So, some weeks ago, Loree gave us a demo on how to take care of our featherweights…and I took lots of pictures. I thought it was time to work on my other featherweight, so I cleaned it all up. Unfortunately, it doesn’t sew now :~(. I have no idea what I did wrong, but the bobbin thread keeps nesting, so I guess it will have to make its way to Reg (Loree’s husband) to be fixed. I’m sure it’s operator error (meaning I’m doing something dumb), but I don’t know what :~(.
After that I proceeded to load up Sandy’s quilt:

My honey was home around 1:30, saying he had good chipping and good putting and was very consistent. He was disappointed not to have a birdie, but with a score of 81 (and yes, I’m sure of this one :~), I personally don’t think he can complain.
I got Sandy’s program all set up, but they wanted us at the theatre super early (to avoid getting stuck in Fort Mill’s Octoberfest going on), so I wasn’t sure I could get a pass done. So…I dropped back to squaring up my striped blocks.
We headed out at 5:30 PM and got there in plenty of time. We had a small audience, but they were really a great one…laughing and applauding in all the right places. We were home just after 10 PM and read for about an hour before bed.
My friend Mary Lee finished a shawl that she never got a chance to wear up in Salem, MA, but seems perfect for the cooler nights down here lately:

*** If I clean the house, it just gets dirty again. But if I make a quilt, it stays made. I LOVE that!!! ***
Is that her home/studio in the background ? Love the high ceilings and organization.
Looks like the shawl might be garter stitch - my fav ! Beautiful...
Shawl is gorgeous, nice pattern, I like the way it lays. Ask her to share the pattern.
Love the funny!
The shawl is beautiful!