On Monday morning (2/20) Diane, Robin, Cathy and I headed to Corinne’s, and Paula met us there. Here's Corinne's seasonal quilt:

And she always has a new one in the kitchen:

It was Diane’s first time and she was overwhelmed!
When I was at Janice’s a month ago, I saw this beautiful fleece on line and ordered it from Joanne’s:

I took that along with me to buy coordinating colors and I got everything but the purple:

I got a light and dark of each color, as I also need that for a quilt that BG and I are doing together at QUAP at the end of April.
Corinne also had some gorgeous Asian fabric:

and I bought 2 coordinating pieces to do a quilt called WALK ABOUT. Paula originally did the quilt quite awhile ago and I have wanted to do it since I saw hers…so now I have the fabric :~).
I was home by 11 AM and had a quick breakfast before heading to the studio for just a bit. I worked on my blog (I was 3 days behind) until Pat picked me up before 1 PM for our machine embroidery meeting. As usual, the show and tell was outstanding:

-these are all towels

-a golf tee and a marble make a cute bobbin holder

-these next ones are all embroidered cards

-won't this be adorable in Pat's studio?

-a stabelizer holder

I got home before 4 PM and was really tired…my honey got home shortly after me and we snuggled on the couch for a bit before dinner (salads and splitting an order of mac ‘m’ cheese). I finally had a bit of energy after that and headed downstairs to work on the OBW a bit more:

PS - blogs may be a bit sporatic over the next several days...the kids arrive this afternoon and I'll just have to see how the week goes!
*** When y’all see me in my swimsuit…mind your business. I thought we were going to die for the last three years, so I’ve been snakin’. ***
Absolutely gorgeous embroidery! Do these people ever sleep? I really love all of the bunnies and Easter embroidery!
Can't wait to see the new rainbow quilts in your future. 😀
Holy cow!! Your embroidery group's machines must have been smokin' this past month!!!
I loved the greeting cards. I want to start doing that!!
Was all the show n tell Pat’s….I saw her arm or face holding up most of it.
Beautiful embroidery. I'm curious as to what is going in the middle of your OBW.
Unreal embroidery, wow!