I was up at 7 AM on Monday (12/16) to get to my chiro appointment on time, then hit the liquor store (gotta make some homemade Bailey’s), Food Lion, the library (to drop off treats for the 8 people who work there) and recycling at the lodge before finally getting home at 11 AM.
I was just in time to put together a pan of those ham/cheese/poppyseed sliders, get them baked and head on up to the Lake House for the Machine Embroidery Christmas party:

-I don't know why I only took a picture of the desserts....

We had a blast, played lots of games, had some show and tell:

and in general had a good time talking.
I got home by 3:30 and my honey was home from 9 holes of golf by 4 PM. I was very tired…and tried to take a nap…but couldn’t fall asleep, so I finally headed to the studio to continue to work on the purple step quilt…I got most of my strips sewn together before joining my honey around 8 PM. He has been working on another ‘’spot the differences challenge for AJ…there are 26 differences between his 2 drawings…can you spot all of them?

I spent Tuesday morning (12/17) baking rugelach cups:

then running my 3 different kinds of cookies (rugelach, orange chocolate, baklava):

over to our eye doctor’s office…..they were VERY appreciative!
I was back home by 11 AM and got to work on the purple quilt a bit before pulling together some (sharp white cheddar with cranberries) cheese and crackers and heading off to our Fiber Nutz party.
We had a lovely lunch….Melanie sets a beautiful table:

and there were 6 of us:
-Lucie & Kathy

-Melanie, Pam R and Rosalie

We had a great variety food with no duplicates:

and afterwards we exchanged our cards. We were each supposed to bring a card we had made, so I embroidered one:

Here were some of the others:

We talked and talked and I didn’t get home until almost 5 PM!!
My honey left for the movies at 6 PM, and Iris came over around 7 PM. We sat in the living room and knit and talked until Michael got home….it was a lovely day all the way around!
I jumped up on Wednesday (12/18) determined to make progress on the purple quilt….and I had the inside all done by the time I left for my massage:

This is what my design wall currently looks like....as I drop all previous projects to get a new one done!

I did a quick stop at ALDI’s, and another business which was locked up tight with no indication of when they would be open again :~(, and was finally home around 2 PM. I worked on borders, and by a late dinner of homemade pierogis (courtesy of a neighbor!) the top was done:

And more Christmas decorations around SCCL:

Thursday (12/19) was all about quilting (although I just took along some knitting!) I also made a pan of cinnamon rolls that many people raved about, but there were also key lime bars from Diane and some sort of sweet bread….really a plethora of options for breakfast!
We had wonderful show & tell:

I was home around 2:30 and then had to run out to Harris Teeter for a bottle of Hershey’s syrup. My honey came home with a SCORCHING 39 for 9 holes of golf….just in time to help me make FIVE runs of homemade Bailey’s! I made up a dry mix for chai after that and then we just had kind of a pick up dinner of whatever we could find in the fridge and collapsed on the love seat for the rest of the night!
And who sent me a delightful box of shortbread cookies from Vermont????
And 10 years ago...
*** I’m just gonna jingle some of the way….I’m tired! ***
*** I used my moms quilting scissors to cut wrapping paper…and now the cops are here! ***
*** Why am I the only one naked at the gender reveal party? ***