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Michael's art, SHQ Show & Tell

Writer's picture: dreamsoapsdreamsoaps

Tuesday (10/1) was filled with a bunch of stuff.  After Michael helped me to do an inventory, I spent time on the phone ordering $400+ of longarm thread! 

I got a customer quilt loaded up:

and started to quilt it….but I’m going to run out of thread soon and need to wait for my order to finish it :~(.  So, I only got 1-1/2 passes done.

I continued to put away stuff from retreat….and I don’t even have all of it, as Janice kindly took home 2 boxes for me to make sure we had room in our car (me, June, Pat) for my machine. 

My honey took my phone to the phone store to get a couple of things corrected, and tried to stop at ALDI’s on the way back….but they were closed for some kind of re-modeling until 2 PM, so he just came on home.  I continued to sew my FPF Rainbow together, and make a variety of phone calls to schedule doctor’s appointments :~(.  Michael headed out to the movies in the evening and friend Iris came by for a visit and we talked and talked for over 2 hours!!!


And somehow, I missed posting a pic of BG’s second potato chip quilt from retreat….so here it is (the focus fabric is SO beautiful...the picture doesn't do it justice!):


I was up at 6:30 AM on Wednesday (10/2) to make a breakfast sandwich for my honey so that he could get to his tournament kick-off on time.  He told me he wouldn’t be home until late because there would be a play-off with the top 10 players….which would start at 2 PM, and he wanted to stay and watch it.  He texted later in the day to tell me that he made it into the top 10!!!  He never expected to and he was thrilled.  He got kicked out on the second hole, but 2 friends of his were still playing so he stayed to watch.  One friend came in 3rd….and the other one WON IT ALL!!!! 

I spent the morning SKYPE-ing with Janice and then headed to Waxhaw for a hearing aid appointment in the afternoon.  When I got home I was a totally lazy bum and read my new library book until Michael got home around 6 PM.  I finally roused myself and put together roll dough for quilting on Thursday.


My honey has also been creative over the past couple of weeks…remember when he went on his golfing retreat?  He took a couple of pictures…and decided to use one as inspiration to create this:

I am totally in awe of his talent!



Thursday (10/3) was all about quilting, good talks, wonderful food, and show and tell: 

Diane and I took off for Loree’s after quilting (she’s been down with a bad attack of vertigo and since it was our pot luck, everyone agreed to contribute food for a plate for Loree & Reg).  I know that sounds funny, but we had a discussion about what seems to be happening with our first food Thursdays. It seems some people take it upon themselves to get up after lunch and make plates to take home, WITHOUT the courtesy of asking individually each month if it is all right. Many people have been upset by this because it is just plain rude! In one extreme example, yes, I have taken in food for our monthly lunch, wrapped it up after lunch, and then while I continued to sew, the food was unwrapped and some taken! Sorry, but I was raised with manners that say that is rude.

Now...some people make a plate by first asking each person individually if they mind some of their food being taken....of course that is OK. Anyway, I asked in advance if I could make a plate for Loree, and asked people to come to tell me privately if they had other plans for their leftover food, and so I wouldn't take any (which is 100% OK!!) At least half a dozen people came up to me afterwards to say they were glad I brought it up because it has been really irritating them....and it is only polite to ask!!! Sometimes I am amazed (unfortunately not in a good way) at the things people do.

Anyway, we visited for just a bit with Loree and Reg before continuing to Lancaster to drop off quilts at the dialysis center, and then on to the library.  I found the autobiography ON CALL by Dr Anthony Fauci, which I knew I couldn’t put on hold until January.  When our libraries get a new book, you may take it out for the first 6 months on a shortened loan (generally just 2 weeks instead of the normal 6 weeks), but the book is not allowed to be put on hold.  I had put a note in my calendar to request it in January (which would be after the 6 month waiting period), but since the book was there….and I was there….I got to take it out. 

Diane and I didn’t home until almost 4 PM and of course, I just sat and started the book until my honey got home close to 6.  By the time Michael relaxed and took a shower it was close to 8 and we both vegged on the couch and watched TV until far too late  :~).

*** No matter how far you push the envelope….it remains stationery. (ya gotta know how to spell to get that one :~) ***

*** Be decisive. Right or wrong, make a decision. The road is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision. ***



Oct 04, 2024

Really love all of the Show and Tell quilts! Michael's artwork is fabulous! Great talent by all!


Kathy Nealon
Kathy Nealon
Oct 04, 2024

Love the house quilt. A house quilt of some type is on my to do list!


Oct 04, 2024

Since you ordered $400+ in thread I guess your not selling the machine 😂

I liked the customer house quilt on your longarm

Michael’s drawing is beautiful

I liked quilt #2 in the show n tell- the white sashimg crisscrossing the on point four patches

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