Well - the Democratic National Convention is over....here's just one snapshot moment (there's no twist to this....just the verifiable facts)...insults and mockery....that's what a vote for Tr*** is......:

Michael left for golf around 8:30 AM on Monday (8/19) and I headed to the studio to continue quilting. By the time I left for my machine embroidery meeting, the second customer quilt was finished:

We had a wonderful meeting, with lots of beautiful show and tell:
-the first 3 pictures were the challenge for this month....creating edge-to-edge quilting using your embroidery machine

-check out the 3-D tutus

-Joyce's grandson (or maybe nephew) has a really big head, and none of the company logo hats fit him, so of course Joyce stepped up to the plate and made him one

-just stunning!!!!

-and Penny has gotten into making cotton nightgowns!

-I LOVE this fabric....it's gotta be Laurel Burch

-the amount of work that went into this is unbelievable!

When I got home after 3 PM, I got the customer quilt off of the frame and all cleaned up and sent a note to my customer that her quilts were all done.
Michael and I had leftover meatloaf for dinner and I started working on ripping my Christmas napkins….I would like to wash them several times before my Christmas tea to get them a tiny bit softer!
Tuesday morning (8/20) we hit our favorite EXXON breakfast truck (thanks Iris :~) before a routine doctor visit for Michael and then a long trek into Charlotte.
We dropped off a large piece of rug that I want cut into smaller pieces and bound…it should be ready some time next week.
We finally made it home after NOON and I spent the afternoon starting to cut fabric for my Four Patch Frenzy (fpf) and trying to work out the pattern for a new QoV picture I saw....I ended up emailing it to Janice...and I think she wants to make it too!
We had crab sandwiches for dinner, then Michael left for the movies and I got my knitting organized in anticipation of a new project (now that the shrug is FINALLY done!)
Michael left for golf Wednesday morning (8/21) while Janice and I finally got to SKYPE after a month apart (her 2 weeks of vacation in Maine, with a week on either side visiting relatives in Connecticut!) We talked about EVERYTHING…..TWICE!!! It was great….we talked for almost 2 hours.
After that I baked more white chocolate/macadamia nut cookies for my surgery friend…..and Michael’s favorite chocolate chip to take on his trip:

Did you notice the difference in the cookies? The white chocolate spread into all different sizes….while Michael’s all look great. I think I will use Michael’s base cookie recipe and just add in the white chips and macadamia next time…I like my cookies uniform (big surprise!)
An inspector from Lancaster came by to check out our air compressors/furnace/circuit breakers for all of the new stuff. I thought he looked familiar at the door, but decided that was ridiculous as why would I know a Lancaster inspector. I was in the middle of baking my cookies, so I told him where the furnace was downstairs….he went down the stairs, and took one look to the left….then looked back upstairs to me and said ‘’are you a member of Scrap Happy?’’ Turns out he is Robin’s (Thursday quilter) son-in-law…married to her daughter Joy….who was a knitting student of mine 15 or so years ago! I had seen him fixing something at the church hall not that long ago….that’s why he looked so familiar. Anyway, everything checked out….so I texted our furnace guy to tell him.
My honey got home from golf around 3 PM and we ran cookies up to our friend before coming home…him to relax and me to head to the studio to get caught up on blog entries!
I got the extra Christmas fabric from my napkins all ironed and folded, ready to go back on my shelves:

and after tortellinis for dinner, we snuggled on the couch for our last night together before his golfing trip.
And 10 years ago:
*** When life hands you lemons….hand them back….you deserve chocolate!!! ***
*** I ran for the first time with my FITBIT on. It detected me running…and asked if my life was in danger…..or if tacos were on sale for $1 again. ***
Every week I am amazed at the talented ladies in this group!
I like cookies when they're not uniform - only because it's a good indication that they're home-made !
Have you done any quilting with your embroidery machine, I will have to try it on mine.
You should have taken a video of you ripping your napkins…
I read your 10 yr old post…what happened with your jaw???