Michael left for golf around 9 AM on Wednesday (5/31), while I was SKYPE-ing with Janice. We finished up around 10:30 AM and I had a quick bite of breakfast before Cindy came over for some help with a pattern. She was in love with my blue flowered fabric and bought 4 yards of it…and we discussed what she could make with it. She finally settled on the WALK ABOUT pattern…and I put together a sample last night while Michael was at the movies (Corinne, the batik is from you and it is GORGEOUS and perfect!!!!):

Paula has made this quilt several times and I have loved all of them and wanted to make it for quite awhile. I told Cindy she could cut her focus fabric at any size square she wanted and that I would figure out what size to cut her HST's (oh no Mary Jo! More quilt math :~) Cindy got her focus fabric cut:

and her strips for her HST’s, and I made her cut one set of strips into triangles to make sure she knew how to use the Bonnie Hunter ruler. She noticed me sewing while she was cutting, and didn’t understand what chain piecing is all about….she was used to sewing one thing and then cutting it….so I showed her that and I can’t wait to hear what kind of a difference it makes to her sewing :~). She left around 1 PM, and I continued to work on my own WALK ABOUT:

I hopped up early Thursday morning (6/1) to put together raspberry squares for our monthly luncheon at quilting (here's what was left):

I finally finished organizing the closet and folding our fabric…it looks terrific! We had some lovely show and tell:

and Paula and I were home by 1:30 PM after a quick stop at the library. I headed out again at 2 PM for a visit with the chiro, and when I came home I could not keep my eyes open, and went down for a L_O_N_G nap!
When I got up, I headed downstairs and was greeted by a sleepy Lucy:

I had about 60 emails to get through, and then I had to put in another call to my blog platform. They are telling me I am once again out of space, even though I already paid them several hundred dollars to get my blog up and running
again when it was out of space a couple of weeks ago :~(.
My honey came home from golf (with a birdie and a score of 84) while I was on the phone…and suddenly it was 6 PM!!! I don’t know where the day went (although an hour of it was spent on my bed in the afternoon!) We still had leftovers from our neighbor's Memorial Day cookout for dinner, and (since I got the 2 fronts of my ruana picked back up at quilting) I knit the rest of the evening.
*** I just used the self checkout in WALMART without needing assistance, and they made me district manager. ***
***I can’t believe that I forgot to clean my sewing room last night…that’s FIVE years in a row now!! ***
I love your ending funny about the cleaning the sewing room. Just about right. Oh, The cookies were yummy!!
OMG I love the colors in the Walk About quilt! Of course I also love the cross-stitch piece. Those raspberry squares look very yummy!
Maybe you are part cat --so many naps!
Loving the walk about pattern!
(& can that pic of our sweet cross-stictcher get any cuter?)
Thanks for the visual on the walkabout pattern. Definitely something for future focus fabric...and tell Paula I really like her color variation on her walkabout.