Current COVID related deaths: 685,295
COVID deaths yesterday: 682,348
Another big jump :~(
Michael woke me up at 7 AM before he left for golf at Stonebridge on Wednesday (9/15). I ran through my emails and started to get my blog out before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM. We talked for about 1-1/2 hours (our norm), then I had a quick breakfast before calling Connie for a little chat. Eventually I made my way to the studio to finish getting my blog out and by NOON I was ready to begin loading up my newest customer quilt:

My honey was home in the early afternoon with a score of 84, but no birdies :~(. I worked on the quilt all afternoon:

and by 8 PM it was done:

We finished up our Chinese for dinner and watched the HALLOWEEN BAKING CHAMPIONSHIP in the evening. I want to know WHO decided that we have to have background music on every TV show and WHO I can complain to about it??? The entire time the judges were talking to the contestants, there was this loud background music playing…it was SO ANNOYING!!!!!
*** DOCTOR: How many pushups can you do?
ME: If they’re the orange flavor, I know for a fact that I
can do 7 of them in one sitting. ***
never heard of pushups... I googled it too.
Nice t shirt quilt and quilting design !
I like raspberry pushups!!!