Michael hopped up early Tuesday morning (3/14) to get to a hair appointment, and I was right behind him, determined to knock out my customer quilt. I had the quilting finished before leaving at NOON for my own hair appointment:

I was home by 2:30 and ripped out all of the basting, wove in my bobbin ends and got the quilt off of the frame…WHOO HOO!!! I kicked off embroideries:

and these are the LAST TWO I need…I have 13 sets of embroideries now to start putting together 2 quilts from my beautiful blue fabric:

and these embroideries…I can’t wait to see how it all looks together.
While I was trimming my customer quilt, Michael was making good use of my empty design wall to do a quick layout of a QoV Rail Fence on point:

Funny story about this quilt….I used to do a regular rail fence, but when I made it last, at least 5 years ago, I decided I hated the pattern and was never doing it again. While that one was up on the design wall, Paula came for a visit, gave the wall a brief glance and said ‘’oh, that’s a nice quilt’’!! Guess there’s someone for every quilt…right? Anyway, I decided to never make it again…then I saw it set on point, and decided to try it and voila….we’ll see how it looks once I get setting triangles and a border…etc.
I quit at 4 PM to go upstairs to get dinner ready….this being Pi day (3/14…get it?) I made a chicken pot pie for dinner (good thing I bought a new, extra deep dish pie plate...as it is filled right to the top!):

It was yummy, but it was so dense it took FOREVER to bake!

Michael left at 6:30 for the movies, but not before checking this out:

Our neighbor fell on the stairs and broke a bone in her foot, which will need surgery.
After Michael left, I headed back to the studio and got the backing loaded for the:

Once that was done, I collapsed in the media room and knit my way through a NETFLIX movie until Michael got home.
*** It’s ok to cut negative people out of your life….just don’t use your fabric scissors! ***
That blue floral fabric…OMG! Just gorgeous!
Happy Pi Day!