Gratitude turns what we already have….into more than enough!
We were up and out early on Monday (11/28) to beat the crowds….we got to WALMART by 8:10 and after also hitting the library, the bank, and the tailor (to pick up Michael’s belts) we were home just before 10 AM.
I opened the front door, and the doorway was immediately filled:

They all just love to lie in the sun :~).
Michael and Cookie headed out for a walk…and I couldn’t resist sitting down with my hot chocolate and the new library book, but I finally wrenched my attention away around NOON and headed to the studio, to load up Sandy’s quilt:

Is this not a STUNNING quilt? This quilt really is incredible…the squares are 2 inches finished, and she used SIX pieces of fabric to make each of those squares:

When I was done basting, I set up the program, wound my bobbins and kicked everything off:

While I was working on quilting, my honey laid out blocks for my new QoV:

I still have to make 5 more red blocks to complete it.
I worked until dinnertime and got the quilting about halfway done on Sandy's quilt… was leftovers for dinner again, and then Michael and I both read until almost 9 PM before a bit of TV and bed.
And BG's been working on her UFO projects from retreat:
-her Arizona Mary quilt, which she figured out would fit on her design wall if she laid it out landscape instead of portrait:

-and her chandelier quilt is all laid out and sewn together:

*** I don’t always diet and exercise….but when I do, I expect the results to be INSTANT, DRAMATIC and SPECTACULAR. ***
Love BG's quilt finishes.
Love the funny…so true!
BG I love the colors in your AZM quilt and the chandelier quilt.
I also want to try Sandy’s quilt as well with my scraps, loved how it turned out