Michael headed out for 9 holes of golf with Ed on Tuesday (7/2), while I hit the studio, determined to finish the last 3 rows on my customer quilt…and by early afternoon, I was done:

I took a break from XENA and got all of my QoV columns sewn together:

This quilt is 65’’ by 74’’, so I think that’s a perfect size…the question now is…how am I going to quilt it? And…that’s another UFO finished (so to speak…it will go in my flimsy closet with so many others :~), so I can feel my tension going down when I look around my sewing tables…they are looking much, much better/empty-er :~).
My honey was home around 1 PM after 9 holes, relatively pleased with his 45 score (and no lost balls!!)
Pam stopped by in the late afternoon:

and we spent 2-1/2 hours talking about the kolachy baking session we are planning for next Sunday. She has wanted to bake them forever, and when she found out I was a bread baker, she decided we should do it together….I finally said let’s set a date….so next Sunday it is…stay tuned. We went through several different dough and filling recipes and finally settled on 2 dough recipes (mine must rest overnight, so I’ll make on Saturday and take to Pam’s on Sunday), and I’ll also be taking apricot filling (none of that skucky prune stuff for me!!!)
My honey headed out to dinner with his Mustang group, and I just vegged and watched TV for the rest of the evening.
Michael and Freya headed out for a walk Wednesday morning (7/3) while I SKYPE’d with Janice. My honey made me a quick breakfast, then I headed across the street for a TWO HOUR massage!!! I used to do that in Connecticut in my birthday month….and decided to start doing it down here….OH MY!!! I cannot tell you how wonderful it was!
When I came home I got my customer quilt off of the frame and started to clean it up….I plan to take it to quilting tomorrow as it is way too big for me to trim here.
I spent the time left after that to start sewing together another UFO QoV!!
And now, several gratuitous pics....Pat flew out to the mid-west for a week, and her daughter Andi drove up to meet Pat at Andi's family farm. They spent a week together so that Pat could bring Andi up to speed on her new embroidery machine. This is just one quick pic of one thing they made:

And as I think I mentioned, they made a stop at Missouri Star Quilt Company, and these are the fabrics Pat ended up with for her own ''Teal Splendor'' that several of us will be making in a smaller size at our retreat in September:

Arizona Mary started a book shelf quilt a couple of years ago....but wanted to make all of the book titles relate to her family, and it is finally all embroidered:

And Michael's sunflower continues to be a monster!!

When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will!
The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
As soon as you sit down for a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
A book will remain in state of rest or covered in dust until exams time.
The nap becomes enjoyable when the alarm sounds.
You always get the cheaper things once you have bought the expensive one. ***
The sunflower looks like it is ready to take over your house!
How big is the bookcase?
That sunflower IS a monster.