My honey was up at 7 AM on Saturday (3/4) for golf here at SCCL and I followed along shortly afterwards. I had several things I couldn’t get off of my mind, so I figured I might as well get up and get my day going! It took me about an hour to get my 2 day blog out, then I headed upstairs to get soup in the crockpot and make a new recipe….Lemon Crème bars:

I worked on another section of the OBW in the morning, and got the section to the left of the space all put together:

I’ll tell you what takes the longest….pressing my row seams open!!! There are so many joins in the block that it takes time and patience and my pressing bar to make it all work.
I pushed myself to continue working the rest of the day on sewing the bottom blocks into rows…hoping to get them all done….I got close (you can see my leftover blocks on the floor on paper plates...thanks for that tip, June! AND, after the Charlotte show, I think I have an idea of what I'm going to do with those leftover bits. Originally I was going to make pillow shams....I still might do that, but might change them into a whole new quilt :~):

Kary & Pete (who had recent eye surgery):

came by for dinner; we had Mexican Chicken Soup & cornbread for dinner. Pete ended up not feeling well about half an hour after dinner, so they headed on home…I got texts from Kay that after a couple of hours (and better blood pressure) he was feeling much better. They didn’t get to try the new lemon crème bars, so we’re going to send some over on Sunday, along with a quart of soup….the bars were DIVINE!!!
Michael and I played a new game (I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT!) for a bit before settling in to watch 2 episodes of THE GREAT BRITISH BAKING SHOW – Professional Edition….WOW, those people are just incredible!
BTW – remember Kevin…the minion chia that Pop pop and AJ did while visiting? His hair has gone CRAZY:

*** Thank you to everyone who sent me an email/text to protest that I will no longer be posting pictures from my SHQ quilt group. I really appreciate that you are interested and supportive…and yes, I agree with those of you who wish the quilter in question had just asked me not to take pictures of her quilts, but that didn’t happen.
Michael and I both had cinnamon bread for breakfast on Sunday (3/5)…it was half a loaf that I rescued from the freezer. I spent a bit of time after that getting my SHQ minutes typed up and out, and working on my blog entry for yesterday, before dropping back to my OBW.
Well, I was going to start it, but ended up calling Janice instead…..I don’t now remember why I initially called her, but we ended up talking for about an hour….we are not going to get to SKYPE this week as she and Dennis are heading to Florida, visiting friends and going to some games at spring training camp!
Michael left at NOON to walk Cookie and I finally put some stitches in. I got to a good stopping point (after I sewed that last block):

and headed out with 2 quarts of soup (Italian Wedding Soup & Mexican Chicken Soup) for Corinne, who is having knee replacement surgery tomorrow. I only meant to drop off the soup and come right home, but we ended up talking for 2 hours!! As I left, she said it was great since I had totally taken her mind off of what is happening tomorrow :~).
I was home by 5:30 PM and Michael heated up leftovers for us (lasagna for him and ruebenwich for me) while I decided I still had some energy left to sew! That was good, because Michael was watching a UCONN women’s basketball game until 8:30, so I got a bit more done on the OBW, starting with the top section....but this time I am picking up the blocks left to right, instead of right to left as I have been doing. Why is this important? The One Block Wonder does not have to be done in any specific timeframe, but I DO have a project that is time sensitive. Unfortunately, I absolutely need a design wall to lay it out. Obviously the OBW has been taking up the wall, but if I get rid of the top left part, it should give me enough room to start my other project):

I was no where near my goal of having all of the blocks sewn into rows by the end of the weekend (it's going to take DAYS more....), but I am still very happy about this quilt. My goal for this year was just to move this UFO forward, but now I can actually envision having a totally finished quilt by the end of the year….stay tuned!
Checkout Arizona Mary’s card…which she said was inspired by show & tell on the blog:

And Michael's card, drawn for his brother-in-law Charlie's birthday (Charlie uses tools every day):

*** I’m not saying I’m old….I’m just saying that my dinner time and bed time are getting dangerously close to each other. ***
*** I’m always surprised when heavily tattooed couples have a baby and it comes out blank. ***
Thanks again for your kindness and company. I got sprung early...I am home. I am doing great, but it was mostly because they didn't have a room for me! After 5 hours in recovery they got the doc to relent and send me home!😃
Thanks for relaying the comments!
Really love both cards! The 'bee' card is 'BEE- utiful'!! I too will miss your Show and Tell pictures. I even pass along your blog e-mail to Claude. He enjoys them as well.
I Will miss your quilting show and tell too, the other ladies didn’t say,”,Hey, I like having my Work shown on the blog, I want you to keep taking the pictures “