I’m glad I shared my story about taxes as I found out I’m not the only one….and other people found out they are not alone either!
I did have one sad thing happen Monday night. One of my knitting students, an older lady, had stopped by for some help on Saturday and I got her going again. She came early Monday night to tell me she was dropping out. Now, in the first class of any beginner session, I always explain to the students that most of us don’t learn many new things once we are adults….especially something that takes ‘’muscle memory’’ and that I hoped they would stick with me long enough to get over the awkwardness that EVERY new knitter feels. Usually it only takes 45 seconds of trying to knit before they start saying things like ‘’this is too hard’’ and ‘’I’ll never be able to do this’’! I point out that they’ve only been trying for 45 seconds and that they have to give themselves some grace in learning and that I have never had a student I couldn’t teach to knit, as long as they stuck with me.
Anyway, when this woman came, she explained that her husband had passed away very recently, and she had always wanted to learn and that she thought this would help to take her mind off of things…but it just wasn’t working and she was too stressed and her mind was bouncing around all over the place. I gave her a big hug and assured her I understood and urged her to keep my phone number and call me in a year or so if she felt the urge to try it again. I was sad to see her go….but totally understood.
Michael left for errands Tuesday morning (4/2)…PT for knee, BJ’s, ALDI’s, library, CVS, haircut, breakfast out…check this out….looks AWESOME:

while I headed to the studio.
Do you remember back in January I loaded up dark brown backing for 2 quilts and got the first one basted and started to quilt it? And that’s when everything went to H_LL in a handbasket and my thread broke and broke and broke? And I took everything off of the frame and put it away in an IKEA bag? Well, I decided it was finally time to drag it out and tackle it again. I was so excited about the 4 quilts I have already embroidered with labels, that I wanted to do the same thing with these….doing the first one, which is not yet basted to the backing, was no problem (although I certainly should have moved that a bit to the left!):

but the basted one was interesting to say the least:

It took me awhile to get it loaded on the longarm frame after that:

but I tried to be really careful and I think it is on as straight as I could make it.

I’ll know more on Friday when I try, once again, to fire up the quilting.
I hopped up early Wednesday morning (4/3) and got some bed blocks pressed before SKYPE-ing with Janice. My honey left around 8:30 AM for a tournament here on the course. Janice and I talked about 100 things :~), then we signed off and I made some breakfast and put together bread dough. I had some paperwork chores after that, and then Candy came by to pick up her quilt. We sat in the kitchen and talked for 1-1/2 hours!!!! It is amazing to me that we know each other so little, but find some much to talk about!
My honey came home after that……his team won their flight!!!! He was pretty happy about that. I got my dough shaped into loaves and baked off:

and we distributed 2 half loaves to 2 of our neighbors.
We headed over to Diane and Mark's at dinnertime….they had a Thai food truck visiting their neighborhood, so we all ordered something and had dinner with them and talked for a long while before heading home.
I was really tired and was going to buy something at Harris Teeter on the way home for quilting on Thursday….but I gave myself a stern talking to instead. I asked myself how long it would really take to put together my chicken pot pie filling…and the answer turned out to be 20 minutes!!!! I had the filling made and in the fridge and the kitchen all cleaned up by 9:30 PM, when I collapsed with my book!
Several people were asking me about the entremet Micahel and I shared from Amelie's a couple of weeks ago, and I finally have a chance to post a pic:

And look at my gorgeous iris....already in bloom:

*** Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put
money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? ***
Oh, the Iris!! Love the purple!
I am so jealous of your irises! They are gorgeous. Claude has cross-stitched three pictures of irises, one for us, one for one of our neighbors and one for a friend of one of our neighbors many years ago. The one we have is exactly the colors of yours. The entremet looks so yummy!