Current COVID related deaths: 629,951
COVID deaths yesterday: 629,384
Michael was up and out by 8 AM on Monday (8/2) for golf here at SCCL.
I read the paper, did my emails, and worked on a word puzzle before finally having breakfast and heading to the studio. I had leftover fabric from my Bento Box quilt top, so I made a backing and loaded it up:

then got batting cut and my quilt top basted:

Now…this is how it SHOULD be happening….I finish a top…make binding and a backing and get it loaded up within days for the finish!
My honey was home before 2 PM, with a score of 85 and the start of another birdie streak :~). I got the program all set up and got my bobbins wound, then headed upstairs to finally make dinner again! I haven’t made dinner in FOREVER!!! I have totally fallen apart on that score. Anyway, I made a chicken sausage dish…..

-saute a large onion until some browning occurs

-add in quartered mushrooms

-chicken sausage (this was tomato/basil from ALDI''s yummy)

-add tomatoes...either fresh chopped or canned

-a couple of handfuls of spinach

-some cooked pasta

-a little feta for a topping and voila:

Michael said it was excellent!
*** You say ‘’bathrobe’’. I say ‘’casual wrap dress’’. Let’s not get caught up in the details. ***
I thought for sure the recipe was going to call for popcorn, I saw the whirly pop on the counter