Janice & Dennis have been on vacation in Connecticut and Maine, so Janice & I haven’t SKYPE’d for 3 weeks. Tuesday (8/23) was a rest day in Connecticut for them before they head home, so we got to talk in the morning while Michael was out getting a haircut and then picking up stuff at the dollar store and the bird store.
After that I got a bit of breakfast and headed to my studio to finish quilting that gorgeous blue batik quilt:

Once quilting was done, I got all bobbin ends woven in, basting pulled out and then trimmed it:

The crab truck was in town, so Pam swung by:

to pick up sandwiches and solve the problems of the world while we ate! Cookie decided to join us in the kitchen:

After Pam left I knit while Michael was off at rehearsal.
I couldn’t get going on Wednesday (8/24), still just dragging from not being able to sleep very much at night. Oh well…it’s gotta get better eventually….right?
My honey got home from golfing around 1:30 PM with a score of 86…but of course he wasn’t all that happy because ‘it coulda been an 80’ if he hadn’t messed up 2 holes :~)!!!! We were both downstairs talking for a bit, and Cookie decided she could nap downstairs just as well as upstairs:

We both hopped in the shower before leaving for a routine heart appointment for Michael. We were home by 4:30 with PIZZA HUT pizza, and he left around 6 PM for rehearsal. He said he fell asleep twice while trying to go over his lines…..5 nights a week of rehearsals is really wearing on him.
*** If farmers wrote romance novels….
Her body tensed and quivered as she felt wave after wave surge through it.
I probably should have told her about the new electric fence. ***
Oops, should have said “ farmers”! In your funny!