I was up just after 6 AM on Wednesday (6/14) to make breakfast for my honey so that he could get to the golf course on time. I did some laundry, kicked off the dishwasher and got my blog out after that before figuring out what I was working on next.
I decided to finally look at my project box from my last retreat, and finish up whatever in there needs finishing. Janice and BG and I all did the striped quilt at retreat, and here is mine:

This was supposed to be a donation quilt, but it is just too beautiful and I decided I had to keep it. It is all finished, but needs binding, so I got that cut, and by then it was time to leave for 3 hours for my follow-up knee replacement appointment and a chiro appointment. I LOVE my knee doctor.....he comes in the room, big smile on his face, and says ''you're beautiful....you're perfect''!!! Now, some people will think he was talking about my knee, but I'm taking my compliments where I can get them!!!
When I got home, I got a call from the plumber about replacing our hot water circulating valve, he was in the area and ready to do it, so I said ''come on down!'' There was a lot of running around involved with that between the garage, the basement and the cabinet under Michael's sink, so that took another bit of time.
My honey got home at 3 PM right as the plumber left, and told me all about the tournament he was in. It was match play and there were a total of almost 400 points to be won. Michael was on the red team…the blue team scored 197-1/2 points…and the red team scored 198-1/2 points….only a one point difference!!! He won a hat, a dozen golf balls, some tees, a ball marker and a towel. In his individual team vs team score….out of 18 available points, his team scored 13-1/2 points….a total rout!!!
Pat stopped by for a visit:

and to show off a completed quilt…that she quilted herself!!:

When she left, she just missed our arriving guest:

Janice and I headed to the ball field for hot dogs, then she spent the evening loading up her first quilt and getting it basted:

We eventually headed upstairs for a glass of wine, and of course someone had to explore the wine cupboard:

*** My personal style is best described as ‘’didn’t expect to get out of the car’’. ***
Your striped quilt is definitely a keeper Deb! Gorgeous!!!
I want to ask what happened to your recirculating valve. Did you just notice you water wasn’t hot as soon as you turned on the fauce? Do you remember how long it lasted. We have on too and curious what and when we should be looking to replace
Where are we gonna use that quilt? What’s it backed with?
Your blue quilt and Pat’s quilt are beautiful. One of these days maybe I can get back to quilting. In the meantime I am nurse, caregiver, etc. for my hubby as he recovers from a compression fracture in his lower back.
I really love your blue/turquoise quilt! Those colors just remind me of being at the beach or on a cruise. Pat's quilt is fabulous! I love the lavender, purple and green combination. It is a very tranquil quilt. Hi Janice!