Brrr_r_r_r!!! It was 31 degrees when we got up on Tuesday (1/24). We both had breakfast, then Michael left for errands (chiro, library, CVS, grocery store) and I headed to the studio. I got my blog out and went back to sewing my blocks together for the pinwheel QoV…..I can’t wait to see it all together…and then I won’t be able to wait to see it together with the first border! I should have been basting second QoV, but I just didn’t feel like it, so I loaded up 2 new embroideries and got them done:

And of course, because I have been doing so many embroideries lately.....I spent an hour filling ALL of my embroidery bobbins:

But finally, the inside of the pinwheel QoV was finished:

And I had company all afternoon while I was working on it:

Michael and I had fish sandwiches from ARBY’s for dinner (and this time, they really were fish)! Then, he left for the movies, while I knit the evening away.
I got my diagonal QoV basted Wednesday morning (1/25) before SKYPE-ing with Janice. I do NOT understand why I procrastinate about basting….XENA has looked like this:

for 2 days!!! I finally talked myself into basting it this morning, and it took 15 minutes :~(. I guess I’m afraid of getting bubbles/bumps/extra fabric along the basting line, and so I just don’t do it. But thank goodness, it is done now:

Janice and I finished up SKYPE-ing around 11:30 and I got the program on my machine set up (I did it twice as I thought the first pattern I set up was too busy. There’s a lot going on in the pattern of this top, so I wanted something boring for the quilting :~), so I ended up with a meander stitch and finished the set up just before leaving to have lunch with Susan.
She has a to do list of about a million things…have I told you why? She and her daughter are heading to Denmark for 3 months, and she needs to get so many things done here as well as there, but she made time for us to have a delightful lunch and talk over many things that she is helping me with.
I got home around 2 PM, and managed to get one row done on the diagonal quilt before picking up Marcia and Maury and heading into Charlotte. We saw MOMIX…MOMIX is a company of dancer-illusionists founded and directed by Moses Pendleton. Each production focuses not only on the beauty of the human form, but also the beauty of nature, music, scenography, and life itself. The program was loosely based on ALICE IN WONDERLAND.
Marcia and Maury had never been to the Knight Theatre, and had never seen MOMIX, and they were BLOWN AWAY!!! It was wonderful to introduce someone new to something Michael and I both love. When I asked Marcia how she was going to describe what she saw to her friends, she said ‘’Well…I dropped a little acid’’….and we all laughed…that is a perfect way to describe how surreal the performances always are. We took a couple of pictures at the FIREBIRD:

before heading home.
AND, Pat stuns once again....completing a SECOND quilt top...lickity-split!!! This woman is on FIRE!!!

*** MMR - Michael's Movie Reviews ***
The Whale -starring Brendan Frazer (The Mummy franchise and the Professionals on TV recently)
I recently went to see the sequel to the original Avatar, Avatar (the way of Water) and it was a good follow-up movie. Nothing spectacular or original about it; more and better special FX, but it was a movie searching for a plot. I use this as an intro to The Whale because at the end of the AVATAR movie there were a number of people who applauded. I did not think the movie deserved it. (Deb here - I'm thinking they applauded it just because there was FINALLY a sequel to AVATAR...and everyone was glad). BUT at the end of The Whale the same thing happened and if I hadn't been so emotionally caught up with the characters, I might have done the same. It definitely deserved it; and Brendan Frazer, as Charlie, most assuredly did.
The story centers around Charlie, an on-line teacher of writing, who has become morbidly obese mainly because of a personal tragedy. He's estranged from his daughter and he's divorced. He is also at death's door because of his obesity. Over the course of 5 days we see him try to put his life back together. We learn what tragedy befell him, and how it affected all those around him. Frazer's performance is beyond great. The gal who plays his daughter is also superb. I was enthralled and moved more by this movie than I can remember in a long time. This is a must see, but be prepared with tissues and to be moved! I give it my highest rating; 5 fat quarters out of 5!!!
*** If I complain about being out of shape…I don’t actually want fitness tips and workouts to try…I just want to complain and remain out of shape….get it? ***
*** ‘’Your call is important to us….please stay on the line until your call is no longer important to you.‘’ ***
Yea MOMIX - bring on Pilobus!!!!
I LOVE Pats quilt!