Current US COVID related deaths: 799,312
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 799,142
I had another absolutely horrible night of non-sleep Friday night, and after I took the dog out at 6 AM on Saturday (11/27), I fell back deep asleep on the couch….which then made me totally groggy when Michael got me up at 7:30! He had a late tee off time, and made me breakfast before he left at 10 AM and I finally got moving, very slowly. I kicked off quilting once again on the “X” quilt, and had a lovely SKYPE session with BG. By mid-afternoon I had finished the quilting:

and continued to work on the 4 patch quilt. I decided I needed to sew it together in sections, so by dinnertime, the first section was done:

My honey came home after 3 PM…with no birdies…but a score of 80!!!!! So he was happy!!!
We had a few more tomatoes from Loree and Reg that were picture perfect red, so it was pizzas for dinner (ALDI's didn't have the bagettes, so we used pitas):

-using up a bit of leftover cheddar before the mozzarella

While we were watching TV in the evening, I reclaimed (ripped out all of the extra stitching to separate my backing fabric from my batting) the backing fabric for the Bento Box quilt. I still have backing from 2 QoV’s and the “X” quilt to do :~(.
Janice said her brown scrap bin is overflowing….so she’s starting on a boys quilt:

*** I just burned 2,000 calories today!!! That’s the last time I leave brownies in the oven while I take a nap :~(. ***
Why did M wake you up ?!?!?!