Current US COVID related deaths: 1,013,044
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 1,012,461
Michael headed out Tuesday morning (4/12) for a haircut, then visits to LOWE’s for more dirt and hanging clips and the bank and Harris Teeter. I headed to the studio…determined to finish the quilting on my quilt. It took almost all day…with lots of watching on my part, but finally it was done:

I also got to work on more of the leftover chandelier quilt:

And when Michael got home, we finally got my thread racks back up on the wall:

We are very irritated with ourselves that we have mis-placed the baggie of hooks that used to hold EVERYTHING up on the walls!!!
Michael headed out around 6:30 PM to the movies with Larry, and I continued to work in the evening until he got home around 10 PM.
So....I wanted a dust buster type of vacuum downstairs to sweet up the cat litter...but it really came in handy with my quilt. I got all of the ends woven in and basting ripped out and proceeded to trim the quilt. Well, with each cut of the backing fabric, there were little bits of fluff left behind (just like working with minke):

But I just kept the vacuum on my chair and with each cut, I vacuumed up all of the worked out great!
Michael and I read until after 11 PM before heading to bed.
*** Sometimes success is just getting the laundry into the dryer before the mildew sets in. ***
Are you making a second Chandelier quilt with the leftovers?