Current COVID related deaths: 641,346
COVID deaths yesterday: 640,093
Michael left just after 8 AM for golf on Wednesday (8/18), while I headed downstairs to get my blog out. After that it was back to quilting, and by the time I left at 1 PM for my hair appointment, the second quilt was done:

My hairdresser was running a bit late, so I didn’t leave there until after 3 PM...and then I got caught in the parking lot that is route 521 from 1:30 - 3:30, caused by prents picking up their kids!! I stopped at Susie B’s afterwards to drop off something and we ended up sitting and talking for quite awhile…it was lovely.
I didn’t get home until just before 5 PM, and my honey made us a grilled cheese sandwich to split for dinner, along with a dozen fries leftover from our burgers the other night. He left shortly afterwards to finally get to see his BATMAN movie and I watched DOC MARTIN all evening while I knit.
*** Do you ever get up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and think ''that can't be accurate''. ***
Love the focus fabric on this quilt....
I avoid looking in the mirror at all costs!