I SKYPE’d with Janice Wednesday morning (1/4) then took a quick shower before heading off to my massage. It was thundering and raining all morning! The massage was wonderful and once I got home again, I got my second quilt loaded up:

and kicked off the quilting:

I worked on it the rest of the day, and by 8 PM, it was finished:

and I am totally out of batting!!! And Amazon says it is currently unavailable....yikes!!! These 2 quilts will probably be the ones I use for my binding class on February 9th.
My honey's been kinda bored...he hasn't been able to play a lot of golf due to all of the rain. I said ''well, you could ask your wife to clean off the pool table so that you could play pool'' and he agreed that would be nice....so the pool table went from this:

to this (make sure you notice that gorgeous custom made quilted pool table cover :~):

The only thing not put away is 2 jackets I wear when it is cold in the studio...I need to put up a new hook for them.
Michael and I settled in to watch episode 7&8 of THREE PINES….WOW – if you are not watching this on Amazon Prime…you should be!!! BUT, don't make my mistake....there's one over arching story, but also every 2 episodes is a stand alone story. I thought we could watch one episode a night.....well forget it!!! The first of each of the 2 episodes ends with such a cliffhanger, that if you're like us....you HAVE to watch the second one to find out what happens!
My hands finally calmed down enough from signing Christmas cards to be able to stitch down the labels on the 2 lavender quilts….final pics in a couple of days…stay tuned!
*** I’m not sure if life is passing me by…or just trying to run me over. ***
Definitely running both of us over!