Michael headed out for errands on Tuesday (8/9), and when he got home with fruit, I put together his yoghurt cups, as I had yoghurt incubating overnight in the crockpot:

Mary Lee and I got set up in the kitchen:

and she worked while I put the binding on a QoV. She had a back warming companion for some of the day:

Originally I set up my JANOME machine that I usually use for binding, but it was not working, so I packed it up to take to Loree for Reg on Thursday, and hauled out my portable featherweight, which also has a walking foot…and it worked just fine. Michael took the time to study his lines in the afternoon….with a different faithful companion by his side:

I thawed out a zucchini lasagna for dinner, then Michael left for rehearsal and Mary Lee and I knit and talked the evening away.
Michael headed out super early for a golf tournament on Wednesday (8/10), while Mary Lee and I headed to Pike’s garden center. She knew she wouldn’t have time to get any plants until Sunday when she got home…and her garden center would be closed…and I had been talking about PIKE’s….so she wanted to check it out! Originally Mary Lee had hoped to stay until Saturday, but she ended up getting much more work than anticipated, so in the afternoon, she headed home. She said she was so glad she came because now she knows that the drive isn’t bad at all and she’ll definitely be back in the future.
I finished up the first QoV:

before we headed out to pick up Gale & Phil.
I know I mentioned that our friends Candyce & Ralph are leaving to move permanently to Florida, so this was a going away dinner for the 4 couples who have been friends for a long time (unfortunately Candyce got an upset tummy in the afternoon, so couldn’t make the dinner):
-Ralph, me!, Gale & Deanna

-Phil (close) and Gerry (further back)

I had lobster stuffed ravioli:

while Michael had salmon:

and both were excellent! When we got home, I poured a small glass of amaretto and iced my knee before bed.
After an early morning drop off of Cookie at the vets (she needed to have a tooth pulled) on Thursday (8/11), I headed out to quilting with my knitting. I had a great time and there was great show and tell:

When I got home I was absolutely exhausted…as was Michael (after being out 11 nights in a row!) and we both took a nap.
By the time we got up, it was time to go and pick up our precious baby. She ended up having 2 teeth pulled and was definitely still medicated and loopy in the evening.
Michael left for yet another rehearsal…he is definitely looking forward to NOT GOING ANYWHERE on Friday & Saturday.
*** You can always count on me to bring my famous recipe of ‘’bag of ice’’ to your summer cookout! ***
*** ME: Yoga might help me relax.
ALSO ME: So will mac and cheese. ***
*** The doctor told me to watch my cholesterol….so now I stare at my French Fries for a few seconds before I eat them. ***