Even though it had been raining just minutes beforehand, my honey headed out to golf on Friday (7/12), while I headed to Harris Teeter to order some flowers. Unfortunately, no one was available at the florist area, so I picked up some bananas and a birthday card….and then stood staring at a stack of ''half cakes''…apparently a Friday special. I have been craving chocolate cake for quite awhile now….and have passed up buying one at ALDI’s the last 3 times I have been there. I stood there staring and staring and could not make myself buy half of a not-very-big cake for 9 bucks! So, I talked myself out of it once again and headed out to pick up a library book, drop off a birthday card, and come home. I made a little breakfast and read while I was eating and I finally finished one of my library books…the author is CARLENE O’CONNOR and it was another wonderful cozy mystery….with a totally shocking ending! She is generally a wonderful author, but you should read her books in order. How do you find out the order? Have I not told you about FANTASTICFICTION.COM? Put in any author and it will give you a list of the books in order. If they have written different series with different protagonists, it will separate those out….this website is GREAT and I use it all the time.
Finally around NOON I headed to the studio to load up the first of Sandy’s quilts:

I got the quilt basted and a few rows done:

while also continuing to work on my very first 3 yard quilt (go Pam S!!):

Michael and I had chef’s salads for dinner, and while he was making our dinners, I put together a pan of easy and quick from scratch brownies:

which probably cost me around 2 BUCKS….score! I think making 4+ pans of brownies (for the same cost) definitely wins out over ‘’half a cake’’. We binge watched MR BATES VS THE POST OFFICE (PBS) after dinner……absolutely wonderful!
Michael and I spent a bit of time in the morning Saturday (7/13) getting ready for our out of town company:

Lisa was a 6th grade student of Michael’s many, many years ago….she still lives in Connecticut, but was down in North Carolina visiting a friend and asked to stop by. Michael and Lisa have been friends on FB for many years and he was thrilled to see her again…she was always a student who held a special place in his heart.
I quilted on Sandy’s quilt and worked on my 3 yard quilt:

until Lisa got here around dinnertime. We headed out to AMORE for dinner….I had chicken romano, Lisa had seafood risotto and Michael had shrimp scampi, and all of our meals were excellent.
We came home and talked in the living room until almost MID-NIGHT before heading for bed.
And some gratuitous pics of my honey....trying on a wonderful, plush, spa robe that a friend bought for her hubby....who sadly didn't get to use it before he died. Check out Michael's expressions....he's like me...trying to get the right shot of the robe, and not paying any attention to the face...that's what I do with selfies too:

*** I followed my heart….and it led me straight to the cheese drawer in the fridge!! ***
Yay for 3 Yard Quilts!
What a handsome…robe!
Luv Michael’s facial expressions
I like your color choices for your 3 yard quilt
I think your 3 yd quilt is prettier than the ones in the pattern book, because I wasn't too interested in making one when I saw the book, but seeing yours I might want to take a look at that pattern again...