I spent the morning on Saturday (4/30) pulling together breakfasts for the next while…I haven’t made my egg muffins in a long time, and today was the day. I fried up sausage (and got it diced):

and softened peppers:

and put that into 24 muffin cups along with cheese:

Then I mixed up eggs with some leftover cottage cheese:

of course leaving a nice pattern for my honey to find the next day:

and poured the egg mix into my greased muffin tins. I baked them at 350 degrees for 20 – 25 minutes, until the eggs were firm:

These freeze beautifully and can be re-heated in the microwave for 25 - 30 seconds or so each morning. It took me a bit of time, but with 24 muffins, I now have breakfast for 12 or more days….so I think that was a good investment of time. After that, Michael and Cookie took off for a walk, while I headed to the studio.
I continued to work on my customer quilt...which was done by dinnertime...and to sew on #3 chandelier, with Cookie snuggled up on the chair:

Michael came down in the afternoon and laid out my 4 patch men’s blocks. When I first started to sew them together I didn’t think I liked the look of them at all….I actually thought they were really ugly and I worried about spending all of that time on a yucky looking quilt....but I think it looks really nice now that it's laid out!:

I have to make 2 more blocks (to have 56) so….back to my scraps I will go!!!
After 5 weeks of my new diabetes program, Michael and I celebrated with champagne (glasses filled to the brim with those luscious IVY PLACE frozen strawberries):

and puffy things:

while we watched the last 2 episodes of MRS MAISEL.
HAPPY BLOG-O-VERSARY!!!! As of today (Sunday, May 1)….I’ve been writing this blog for 11 years! It has evolved over the years….I certainly didn’t write every day when I started…and I had way less pictures than I do now…but I think the changes have all been good. It is SCARY how quickly these 11 years have passed….
Michael left for golf (switched from Saturday to Sunday, because only afternoon tee times were available on Saturday) and I felt like I had a bunch of small things that I wanted to get done on Sunday; first up was getting my customer quilt all cleaned up and trimmed:

And I got a label made for this quilt:

I had company all day while I was working on stuff:

After that I dropped back and worked on #3 chandelier….and the bottom half is now all sewn together:

And, I wanted to make the extra 2 blocks for my men’s quilt and those are done as well:

This took me all day, but that means tomorrow I can get back to my demo for Thursday…which is what I really want to do!
Michael came home from golf and of course Cookie had to show him how much he was missed:

Michael and I made lasagna for dinner, but with my ‘’grain’’ restrictions still in place…we used grilled zucchini for the noodles.
I layered sauce in the bottom of the dish (ALSI has a really good no-sugar-added tomato sauce...although it definitely needed some spices):

While Michael used our center grill to do the zucchini:

which got layered on top of the sauce:

I added a cheese layer (ricotta, mozzarealla and parmesan):

before starting all over again with sauce/zucchini/cheese. I baked it for 35 minutes at 350 degrees and this was the result:

It was absolutely yummy! I wasn't sure how high it would stack in the baking dish, but now I know I can add onions and mushrooms for next time. I made 2 small casseroles, so we had one for the freezer.
We watched a bit of TV in the evening and I knit on a new shrug I started, before heading to bed.
*** In STAR WARS, anyone can hop in any spaceship and know how to fly it.
I just spent 20 minutes trying to find the headlights in a rental car. ***
lasagna sounds delicious ! Do you think paper muffin cups would work for the eggs ?
I liked how you filled your glasses to the brim !
Lasagna looks great, I like the idea of the zucchini noodles.
the new mens quilt is lovely
the lasagna was super good!!
Wow, your blocks and pieces are sure getting smaller. I'd like to think I've been a good influence on you....
Also, how thick did you cut the zucchini slices? I think my hubby would like that dish.