My honey ran to the store Saturday morning (10/23) for a few things and then made me an incredible breakfast sandwich! He bought 4 slices of thick bacon at the deli for us, and he made my sandwich on the last onion roll I brought home from retreat…trust me when I tell you….it tasted like heaven!!!

I spent a lot of the day on mail and getting caught up on emails. I got a text from Susie….she made the bend-y sugar cookies…but made giant ones…3-1/2 inches across:

Finally by 2 PM I had gone through all of my paperwork, and I started to unpack my project box from retreat. I got a bit unpacked, but also needed to fully clean up my sewing tables, so that involved finally finishing the remaining HST’s I need for this project:

While Michael and I were both working downstairs, we watched the pilot for GHOSTS….very cute, very funny, I hope they can keep it up!
For dinner, we decided it was time for another pizza survey…this time from MAMA’s:

It looked pretty good on the toppings-to-the-edge criteria (well...the sauce yes, but the cheese no!), and we both liked the cheese blend….but it lost points on the price! After that we just snuggled and watched a bunch of TV shows before going to bed.
BG learned how to make squiggles at retreat and got them all laid out when she got home:

We slept in Sunday morning (10/24) and it was wonderful. I finally made it to the studio after 11 AM, to get out my blog and continue unpacking the retreat project box. I only got a few things unpacked before it was time to clean up and head across the street for my massage….I thought I would definitely need one after bending over a sewing machine for a week…and I was right! The massage was wonderful…and I just kind of putzed around once I got home! I cleaned some fruit, read my book…and measured out my palm kernel oil for soap making. I had left it sit out on the front walk in the sun while I was gone so that it would get somewhat soft…that stuff is a BEAR to dig out. Luckily, Michael helped me. On the next warm day I will set out the coconut oil as it is the next hardest one. Michael and I split a chicken Cesar salad for dinner and watched TV for a bit before settling into the living room with our devices :~).
*** The best thing about the ‘’good, old days’’ is that I wasn’t good and I wasn’t old. ***
*** When someone says ‘’I forgot to eat’’, I think they must be a special kind of stupid. I plan my whole day around eating. ***