Saturday (8/10) was a terrific day….my honey made me breakfast, then I got back to quilting on the first wheelchair quilt. I worked on that most of the day and finally got it finished:

I got a second quilt loaded up and the program set up:

by didn’t go any further as I was tired, and I’ve learned to not start things when I’m tired :~). I also started a secret project….you won’t have to wait very long to see it!
My honey and I had pot stickers for dinner, then settled in and watched a MARY TYLER MOORE special about her life (I think on AMAZON) and then watched 2 episodes of the MTM Show before bed. I know you won’t believe this (because I can hardly believe it myself!) but I am within 5 rows of completing my !@#$% knitted shrug!!!!!!!
Michael left around 8 AM Sunday (8/11) morning for golfing with Phil, and I headed to the studio to begin quilting on my second quilt:

While that was stitching out, I got my secret project all done! The BIG REVEAL will be in Thursday’s post. I worked on my quilting all day, until Michael told me that thunder was moving in when I shut down my machine.
I had a wonderful Monday (8/12) working all day on my quilting…and I finally finished it:

Now, when I load up 2 quilts at once…I measure the length of the tops, and then add 10 inches to that measurement for the backing. I need some at the top to pin on, some between the 2 quilts and some at the bottom to pin on. The 10’’ generally gives me more than enough. I don’t know what happened this time…but I had LESS THAN AN INCH between the bottom and my leader on this second quilt:

YIKES!!! Glad I made it!
I got the basting ripped out on the front and the bobbin ends woven in:

It is a very large piece and I am going to take it to quilting to trim. And I got the binding made for my Christmas tablecloth:

Michael wasn’t going golfing until dinnertime….so he finished up laundry in the morning before taking Freya to the dog park at NOON.
My honey left at 5 PM for golf, and I headed upstairs to knit and…..wait for it…..FINALLY BOUND OFF MY MOHAIR SHRUG…YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I still have a ba-zillion ends to weave in, but that’s ok….it is OFF OF MY NEEDLES!
*** I just bought $200 worth of groceries….then I ordered a pizza because I was too tired to cook after buying all those groceries. ***
*** If I die choking on a gummy bear….just tell everyone I was killed by a bear…and leave it at that! ***