I had hoped to finish Loree’s quilt on Sunday morning (12/29) but we got a tornado/thunderstorm warning on our phones, so I just read until NOON. Michael said it looked like I had a window of a couple of hours of OK weather on the radar after that, so I hopped to it:

I also got a bunch more blocks done for the Beds=Dreams quilt, and Michael got them laid out:

We headed out at 6 PM to drive around Sun City and see the Christmas decorations….there were many beautiful ones:

We had Mexican Chicken Soup when we came home, and snuggled together afterwards, watching our show (AS TIME GOES BY) until far too late :~).
I spent Monday (12/30) quilting with Diane:

She came over with a QoV, eager to learn about the longarm and do as much of the work as she could. It took us about 5 hours, but she was finally finished:

Although I didn’t do much, I was pooped after that and sat and read my book for the rest of the day!
We were up super early on Tuesday morning (12/31) as Freya was obviously having a problem with her ears. We got a vet appointment for 10 AM and yes….definitely strong infection in the right one…and starting an infection in the left. We left with 2 kinds of ear drops once a day, and an anti-inflammatory for another problem. Those ear drops are gonna be NO FUN to administer as she doesn’t like that and she is a STRONG, YOUNG, BIG dog!!
I was totally lazy for most of the rest of the day….still reading, but finally at 4 PM I finished my book and headed downstairs. I got the final 6 blocks done for my Beds=Dreams quilt:

Of course we had champagne & puffy things:

-pot stickers

for our New Year's Eve celebration....but only made it to 11:30 PM before we were in bed.
And 10 years ago....the 12 days AFTER Christmas continues....
*** My car keeps doing this thing where I get in…and suddenly I’m at a quilt store!! ***
*** You know that happy, tingly feeling you get when you walk into a quilt store? That’s your self control leaving your body. ***
Go Diane! You girls were busy bees.
Steve and i were watching movies til 11:30…we decided that since we made it that far, we might as well see midnight. First time in prob 20 years! Lol
We have a wonderful life!!!!