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SCCL Quilt Show, SHQ Show & Tell, Northern Lights

Writer's picture: dreamsoapsdreamsoaps

On Tuesday (10/8) we were out almost the entire day!  We headed out to a hearing aid appointment for Michael in the morning, and left with new hearing aids for him….can you say $$$$$???  Then it was lunch at Olive Garden….I had soup/salad/breadsticks and he had eggplant parm.  After that it was off to the Subaru dealer and while Michael worked with them to get my new phone twinned with the car, I gave blood in the parking lot.  I haven’t done it for so long…I forgot just how long it takes to get ready versus the actual giving….and we were finally home around 3 PM. 

We both read our books until almost 5 PM, when Michael had yoghurt for dinner before leaving to pick up Larry for the movies, and I headed to the studio to continue quilting on my customer quilt:

Thank you for all of the kind words about my intro yesterday….I appreciated all of your emails!

Good news for Connecticut friends….I connected with Mary Lee!!!!  She is fine (thank goodness) and spending her days with friends who have electricity.  Her house is fine (although no electricity as yet) and she spends the evenings there with a headlamp to read her books and find her furry babies!  I am so grateful she was not injured, and that she has good friends taking care of her.



Wednesday morning (10/9) was SKYPE-ing with Janice, a massage after that…..then egg/cheese/toast from my honey, then the SCCL quilt show with Pat: 

-instead of a rope bowl....a rope rug!

-I absolutely adore this one....except I can't get past the upside-down quilt block! I know it is a design choice, but my rigidness just doesn't like it :~(

-I like the ones BG and I did better as we picked larger background fabric and were able to spread out our dragonflies a bit more. And of course....I loved our teal background fabric better :~) But this is still beautiful and an incredible amount of work

-of course I think the black background really makes this pop!

I finally hit the studio after 2 PM and started to work on a rope bowl for quilting tomorrow….I am teaching it as a class…think I waited until the last minute?  I worked on that until 9 PM and finally joined my honey for a little TV before bed.



Thursday (10/10) was all about quilting…..I taught a rope bowl class and let me tell you…those ladies kept me hopping!  I didn’t drink any of my tea, nor take any pictures….but that’s OK.  We had a wonderful guest (that I met at the SCCL quilt show.  One of the SCCL quilters signed her in and indicated that I sewed ‘’down the road’’ and so Cindy inquired about that as she doesn’t live in SCCL.  Low and behold she showed up!!!  And said those words that are always music to my ears ‘’I felt very welcomed here!) and we had great show and tell:

-and this is from last week....I missed posting the pic...Kathy had to mail it off before she could show it

-OMgosh.....placement of this pocket to keep hands warm was perfect...however, a different fabric might have had a better response! Jerri's daughter ask her to remove the ''granny panties'' from the quilt!

I was exhausted when I got home and read/dozed until my honey got home….around 5 PM!!!  He had a LONG day of golfing, but said they had a lot of fun. 

He made pierogis for dinner (the ones he bought when we thought Sue & Charlie were coming for a visit until I got COVID :~(, and watched the last 2 episodes of DI RAY…..FABULOUS PBS show!

Bg sent me FABULOUS pictures of the Nortern Lights she saw in Connecticut on Thursday night....wish I had been there to see them in person:

*** ME: Alexa, remind me to go to the gym.

Alexa: I have added gin to your shopping list.

ME: close enough ***

*** I finally know why they call me a grown up…..I groan every time I get up… ***



MaryJo Crowell
MaryJo Crowell
Oct 13, 2024

I love the quilting design on the Christmas quilt with the snowflakes and stars ! Thanks for sharing all the photos from the quilt show and from your weekly sew. They were all great. What a sweet panel that Kathy used on her quilt with the elephant.


Oct 13, 2024

I think the upside down block you refer to was a BAT hanging upside down--I agree totally with the granny pants comment!

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