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Secret Project reveal, Juniper Grill, 2 customer quilts

Writer's picture: dreamsoapsdreamsoaps

I started quilting on the next customer quilt on Friday (8/16):

and while that was happening, I worked on another blog entry.  If you were one of the first 5 readers of that blog…you need to go back and check out the ‘’10 years ago’’ post that I added within 30 seconds…but I wasn’t fast enough for 5 of you :~).


I was supposed to go out to lunch with a few other ladies….but one of them got sick, so we postponed that.  Once we cancelled, I told Michael I was willing to go out to dinner if he still wanted to (he had asked about going out Thursday night, but I said between lunch out Wednesday, and planned lunch out Friday, it would totally stress my scale out to also go out to dinner on Thursday!)  Anyway, I said I’d go wherever he wanted, so he GOOGLE’d ‘’restaurants in the BOWL in Ballentyne’’, then came in to tell me that he’d made a reservation at Juniper Grill.  When I started laughing, he asked me why and I said ‘’that was where we were supposed to have lunch!’’ 

Anyway, I continued to quilt on the new quilt until it was time to leave.  We sat in EXACTLY the same booth that Sally & Gale & I sat in for my birthday lunch…and had an equally excellent meal!  They have peach drinks for this month, so Michael started with some peach sangria:

We moved on with a Caesar salad:

then I had crab/shrimp enchiladas with lobster sauce:

While Michael had the smokehouse double with chicken and ribs: 

We ended with that FABULOUS brownie dessert: 

It was a lovely meal….made better by the fact that we brought home leftovers for another dinner :~). 

We changed clothes when we got home and settled in front of the TV and I started working on all of the ends to be woven in on my shrug:


And....the SECRET PROJECT reveal!!!  When Michael bought the Mustang convertible, BG warned me that sun glasses would not be enough.  She said the sun would come in through the top and sides of the glasses, and I really needed to wear a hat.  Now, like my friend Susie….I am not generally crazy about hats!  They always make my head too hot…and when I wear a visor like this:

  the ends that go around my head rest right on the bones behind my ear and give me a headache!  So, I decided to order a pair of what I call ‘’cataract glasses’’….they are very dark and have extra coverage along your eyebrows and along the side.  The only problem is that they are very large and won’t fit in conventional eye glass cases.  Since I don’t want them to get all scratched in Michael’s glove compartment, I decided I needed to make an extra large case.  Coincidentally, when I was telling Loree about these larger glasses, she mentioned that her new sunglasses were also larger than normal and wouldn’t fit in a case.  Thus, the secret project was born (since Loree reads the blog!)  I whipped out 2 cases, and decided to make mirror images: 

This fit my sunglasses perfectly….but when I gave Loree hers on Thursday, to me it seemed a bit too big….so I told her to use it for a bit, but if it was too big, I could easily re-make it smaller.  A quick and easy project with a lot of bang for the buck! I'm sure I have made well over a hundred of these cases....they used to be really popular sellers when I was doing craft fairs here at SCCL.


My honey left before 8 AM on Saturday (8/17) for golf here at the club, while I spent time in the kitchen.  A friend of ours had major surgery a day ago and his favorite cookies are macadamia nut white chocolate chip….so that’s what I made (and neglected to get a picture of).  Hopefully Michael can drop them off this afternoon.  Then I headed to the studio to finish off quilting on a customer quilt: 

I spent the rest of my time getting it off of the frame and all cleaned up:

before searching through pictures and patterns to get motivated about a new project.  I don’t currently have anything to work on at home….and have yet to find something to inspire me….so I continue to search :~). 

My honey and I had our restaurant leftovers for dinner…and they were just as good (maybe even better!) than they were the first time!


Sunday morning (8/18) I finally got Michael's yoghurt out of the crockpot and into his grab-n-go cups:

I was supposed to do this Saturday morning....but we had no fruit!!! I always put some kind of berries in the bottom and we were totally out of it had to wait until Sunday.

After that I went to the studio and loaded up a new customer quilt (they just keep coming…and coming….and coming!!):

and worked on that: 

And I might have settled on a home project.  I want to make another Beds=Dreams quilt….and I think I will do a rainbow 4 patch frenzy…..I spent most of the day looking at fabric…and texting back and forth with Mary Jo about a bunch of stuff.  I am re-watching Sex and the City for the second time…and to me…Mary Jo is TOTALLY Carrie Bradshaw (the star).  Carrie is cute and petite and wears trendy and stylish clothes and has perfect hair….and she hangs out with 3 other very tight friends.  They are always there for each other…and it reminds me of my own long time friendships :~).


My honey made a run to CVS in the afternoon, and I’d like to tell you about it because all of his visits are like this….I love it when he comes home, because he tells me all about it.  His original bill was $65…but by the time he applied all of his coupons and sale prices…the final total was $22!!!  He gets a real charge out of chopping that original bill at least in half :~).  And I get these emails that tell me he is in the top 3% of sale shoppers at CVS! 

Michael will be leaving on Thursday for his golfing trip to Boone, so we decided we’d have date night….so…you know what’s coming…champagne and puffy things:

And, we watched THE PRINCESS BRIDE……one of our favorites.


And a few more 10 years ago...

*** Quilting is not a hobby….it’s an obsession…an occupation…a fascination….an addiction….self-expression and a way of life!! ***

*** How’s y’all summer bodies looking?  Mine looks like a have a GREAT personality. ***


3 則留言

MaryJo Crowell
MaryJo Crowell

M, Love your Beatles shirt !!! And good score at CVS. My Mom does the same thing.

Deb, is the shrug and ruanna the same thing ? Can't wait to see it.

Thanks for the kind 'press'... Carrie ! 😙



It is good to see you and Michael having so much fun! I am looking forward to cooler weather and less humidity. At least I hope! Keep enjoyin!



The customers are coming- the customers are coming!!!!

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