Current US COVID related deaths: 1,015,790
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 1,015,451
Earth's Population Statistics in Perspective The population of Earth is around 7.8 Billion. For most people, it is a large figure However, if you condensed 7.8 billion into 100 persons, and then into various percentage statistics the resulting analysis is relatively much easier to comprehend.
Out of 100 : 11 are in Europe 5 are in North America 9 are in South America 15 are in Africa 60 are in Asia 49 live in the countryside 51 live in cities 75 have mobile phones 25 do not. 30 have internet access 70 do not have the availability to go online 7 received university education 93 did not attend college. 83 can read 17 are illiterate. 33 are Christians 22 are Muslims 14 are Hindus 7 are Buddhists 12 are other religions 12 have no religious beliefs. 26 live less than 14 years 66 died between 15 - 64 years of age 8 are over 65 years old. If you have your own home, Eat full meals & drink clean water, Have a mobile phone, Can surf the internet, and have gone to college, You are in the miniscule privileged lot. (in the less than 7% category)
I headed out to pick up our taxes Monday morning (4/18) while Michael was watching the golf he taped yesterday. We owed a little over 300 bucks to someone, but are getting back over a thousand from someone else…so it’s all good! Don’t ask me which is federal and which is state, I don’t remember :~).
Michael was still watching golf when I got home, but miraculously the rain stopped by his 1:30 PM tee time…so off he went.
I headed downstairs, but couldn’t really work on my customer quilt…my lower back started hurting yesterday, and today I am really a hurtin’ puppy….so leaning over XENA to finish loading up the quilt wasn’t in the cards. I did get some background cut for the white squares needed around chadelier #2 (#2 is the left hand quilt....see how white squares are missing on the righthand side and across the bottom):

and also got some setting triangles cut:

but that was about the extent of my physical activity.
We had Easter leftovers for dinner and I settled in with an ALEVE to watch TV with my honey.
*** Finally my winter fat is gone……now I have spring rolls… ***