Paula picked me up for quilting on Thursday morning (7/28)…I don’t think I’m ready to haul my machine in yet, so I just took a bit of knitting. I had a lot of fun visiting with people and we had great show and tell:

Loree brought in tomatoes from her garden and I snatched a bunch up as I have been dying to make a tomato pie!!!
I came home with Susie at NOON and I put ice on my leg for a bit and then took a nap where I was dead to the world for 2 hours!!! After that I ran an errand to help out my new friend Sue and finally got a blog out once I got home.
Michael unpacked batting for me and I got that cut and started to baste a quilt:

before I ran out of steam. Michael and I split a ZAXBY’s salad for dinner and vegged the night away.
*** People keep asking me ''how's it going'' I have any idea of what's going on at any point! ***