Current US COVID related deaths: 972,200
US COVID deaths as of 2 days ago: 966,530
Thursday morning (2/24), Michael packed up the car and dropped me off at quilting. I had a wonderful time (as always) and finished off the inside of my just needs some borders now. That’s the good news…the bad news is that I cut this project before the basement floor was done….so now have to re-find this fabric to put on borders! We had lots of terrific show and tell:

-the Fort Lawn Community Center has asked for jackets and sweaters for their seniors who walk to the center for some meals. I used to make and sell jackets, and I've had this one hanging in my closet (doing no one any good) for it will be donated to this effort. I definitely remember making this and I was very proud of it when it was is beautifully modeled by Loree:

-and this sweater is a similar story....I wanted to try making it...and it was never it too will be donated:

When I was finally home I got through all of my emails before getting back to the fun stuff! Well…I meant to start sewing….but I started watching the finale of ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL….and I just didn’t do anything else! I just sat there and watched it…HATING the minute that it ended…it is SUCH a GREAT show!!! Can’t wait for season 3!
Anyway, I headed upstairs after that because I had a customer coming by to drop off a quilt….and she always comes with her hubby…and we started talking…and OMG!!!! We watch ALL of the same PBS shows!!! We must have talked about that stuff for almost an hour! Then they mentioned that they are having their basement floor done….so we all trooped downstairs to check out our floor. I felt so very close to them by the time they left….I have done several quilts for Marcia and I look forward to seeing if we can develop a social relationship!
I’m posting this here because I know several SCCL people read these posts, but may not read the SCCL HOA FB page. And Marcia and her hubby were another couple who said they had trouble understanding some of the PBS programs where the actors have I told them to turn on closed captioning....which they didn't know about:
I'm posting this because I just ran into another couple who did not know about it. If you have COMPORIUM streaming, it is EASY to turn on ''closed captions''. I watch a lot of PBS, and when you put those accents together with my ''hard of hearing ears'', without closed captions, I would not know what was going on. To do it....choose any show and begin watching it...then hit your pause button (the right facing arrow with 2 vertical lines after it). You may not have noticed, but there will now be several choices UNDER the line that shows you how far you are in your program. Press your 'circle' on the right hand side until you have highlited 'audio/subtitles'. Press the middle of the 'circle' and you will get another menu that shows you 'subtitles' on the bottom left of your screen. Use the circle to turn on the subtitles. Then go back to watching. Subtitles will remain on ALL programs you subsequently watch, until you turn them off. Hope this helps people out there!
I was up early on Friday (2/25) and headed into Ballentyne for some bloodwork, then went over to SUNFLOWER bakery for breakfast. I had planned to eat there…but it was HOPPIN’!! So, I took my sandwich out to my car and read my book there. Then I headed to Waxhaw to drop off my right side hearing aid as it hasn’t been working correctly, and finally stopped at my doctor’s office for a home health test (the results of the last one I did somehow never made it back to his office). I was finally home around NOON and of course spent more time reading my book before taking a delightful nap out on the lanair.
Michael and I finally made it to the studio around 3 PM; he worked on his golf course building, while I continued to sew together my quilt. By the time I quit for a late dinner (leftover pizza) I had it all together except for the corners:

It still needs some borders to hit the size I want.
In the evening I talked to Mary Lee for almost 2 hours…and the entire time I was in the bedroom talking, Ethel was in her cat tree, looking cute:

Michael and I did a bit of TV watching after that before heading to bed.
*** Finally old enough to do anything I want….too tired to actually do it though. ***
*** You know you’re over 60 when you get up from the sofa to get your reading glasses, do 6 other things, and sit down on the sofa again before realizing you never got your glasses. ***