Current COVID related deaths: 643,190
COVID deaths yesterday: 641,346
Before I start talking about Thursday (8/19), I forgot to tell you that Michael shot an 83 on Wednesday….with THREE birdies!!! Birdie streak is up to FOUR!!!!
I got the overnight yoghurt in the crockpot packed up for Michael:

before leaving to pick up Paula for quilting at 9 AM. As usual, I took my knitting while Paula was working on a QoV quilt. We had great show and tell:

-this is one of our newest members...Pam...who taught herself to sew duing COVID and then moved on to learning quilting:

and I got some good comments on my Beds=Dreams quilt:

Paula and I were both starving when we left quilting, so we stopped at HABIT BURGER on the way home and bought one for Michael as well. After Paula left, I read for awhile before taking a nap, and then heading off on a golf cart ride with my honey. Neither one of us was very hungry for dinner, so I had some cantaloupe and Michael had a PB & J. I got the binding put on the first side of yet another quilt:

before collapsing in front of the boob tube. We finished off the evening with the last episode of ORDEAL BY INNOCENCE and the finale of (season 8) the GREAT BRITISH BAKING SHOW. We were sorry to see both of these shows end.
*** For those of you who were fans of ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL, set up your DVR's to record ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL:Behind the pages. A behind the scenes look at the series...if you live around here, Paula found it will play again tomorrow night.
*** MMR - Michael's Movie Reviews ***
Jungle Cruise: based on the Disney ride, can you believe it? This is an adventure movie to the utmost degree. Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt star. She is looking for a magical flowering tree that will cure all ills that only grows in a remote place in the Amazon. Dwayne runs the only boat that can get her there. They team up, but Dwayne has an ulterior motive. Of course, there are other nefarious people who want this magical blossom and they will do anything to get it. Thrills, spills, tons of SNAKES, and excitement abound at every turn of the Amazon River. Part Indiana Jones, part Romancing the Stone; this is a fun ride! I give it 4 fat quarters out of 5.
*** The main function of the little toe on your foot is to make sure that all of the furniture in the house is in the right place. ***
I love the function of the little toe.