Current US COVID related deaths: 1,003,198
US COVID deaths as of 2 days ago: 1,001,175
Michael packed up the car for me on Thursday morning (3/24) and I headed out to quilting. We were a small group today (I think many people went to the Pineapple fabric sale...Paula was one of them and scored some fabric to complement some she already had):

but we still had some very nice show and tell:

I went to my Diabetes Coach after that, and now have lots and lots of reading and internalizing and grocery shopping to do! They pretty much eliminated everything I am currently eating (which is what got me to this bad place in the first place!), so I will definitely have to spend more time than I have been on what I put in my mouth. Trust me, if it gets me off of metformin (and maybe even my cholesterol medicine) I will be beyond thrilled and it will all be worth it.
I was finally home at 4 PM and Michael and I sat and talked and got caught up on our days! He is ready to support whatever I am doing 100%...and he also hopes to improve his weight (a tiny bit) and health!
Ethel started throwing up in the evening, and we decided it was time to get her into the vet’s to see if anything could be done.
I was out early on Friday (3/25) for an appointment with my sleep/cpap doctor. I drove 35 minutes for an appointment that took 10 minutes. As I was leaving I mentioned that they should figure out a way this could happen remotely…and they checked and found out that I was on…and used…the portal…and so they said that could happen next year…..score!!! We will do video conferencing….and they can apparently down load my CPAP statistics remotely....I think THEY should mention that to patients!
Anyway, when I got home, I just couldn’t get myself going…I was worried about Ethel….she threw up again and just wouldn’t settle down. Luckily, Michael scored a vet appointment for 1 PM. He was supposed to be golfing, but got one of those ocular migraines half-way through the round, so he came home in time to go with me to the vet’s. We were there for 3 HOURS!!! Ethel’s kidney enzymes are elevated, which they said could have caused the nausea…they gave her a shot for nausea as well as some different food to try. Once we were home, I did intake on another customer quilt, and Loree stopped by to peruse some fabric. We had a good time talking, and she left with a bundle….so I think she has a project now for our SHQ retreat in a couple of weeks. I got a little bit of sewing done:

before a late dinner.
My honey made pierogis for dinner and we relaxed and watched several baking shows before bed.
*** I thought I was a good person, but the way I react when people drive slowly in the left lane would suggest otherwise. ***
Micheal, what about us “short quilters”😂
Deb, what is the Pineapple fabric Sale?
I agree with Michae, those ladies are very talented, I loved the Easter Bunny Quilt
I am constantly amazed at the talent of tall the quilters !!!!!