Current US COVID related deaths: 1,020,159
US COVID deaths as of 2 days ago: 1,019,774
Michael was up at 6 AM Wednesday (4/27) and out of the house before 8 AM...but due to having very fresh was gas housers for the win before he left:

He said they were perfect :~).
I SKYPE’d with Janice in the morning, then got my blog out before leaving for my massage. I told my massuesse about my lower back problem and she really worked on it and it felt much better when I left! When I got home I decided to just snuggle with my honey on the couch for several hours! Then he headed to his computer…and I heated up some leftovers for dinner.
By the time he came upstairs for his shower, I headed to the studio for just a bit….just a bit is right…I wasn’t down there more than 5 minutes when Paula called to ask if I wanted to ride along to deliver stuff….so we took off to tour the ‘’neighborhood’’.
When I got home, I headed to the studio once again and managed to get my setting triangles cut:

and to begin sewing things together.
Thursday (4/28) totally got away from me. I was trying to get a blog entry out in the morning before quilting, when we lost power. So, I headed upstairs and my honey made me an egg and spinach (‘cause we have a gas stove :~) before I headed out to pick up Paula to go to quilting. I took some knitting because I had NOTHING to work on….as I am just keeping my head down and finishing #3 chandelier…which I obviously need a design wall for. There was lots of good show & tell:
-June did lots of different techniques on this quilt

-Nancy did fabric painting on these quilts

After quilting, I dropped Paula at the Lodge for a Board meeting, while I headed off to another diabetic coaching meeting. My counselor was THRILLED with my fasting blood sugars and weight loss, but gave me TWO MORE supplements….Michael suggested I take a picture of what I am currently taking:

And I have 2 more (not pictured) that I have to take at bedtime!
This is a laborious process for me as most of these are capsules…and anyone who knows me well, knows I can’t swallow them….so they all get taken apart and mixed into applesauce before I hold my nose and eat it! Anyway, I didn’t get home from that meeting until after 5 PM…and I was beat (LOTS of traffic on the way home).
I made a salad for dinner (with ham and cheese) and sewed for just half an hour before heading upstairs to be with my honey for the rest of the evening.
*** Remember when we were young and couldn’t wait until we got older to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted?? Yeah…well…how’s that working out for you? ***
*** Old age is just walking around all day muttering things like:
What was I going to say?
Why did I come in here?
Did I already take my pill?
How did I get this bruise?
Why am I sore?
Where did I leave my phone? ***