Michael packed the car and I picked up Paula for Thursday (9/8) quilting. We had just a bit of show and tell today:

-this one is just GORGEOUS!!!!!

It’s so variable…sometimes there’s tons! The high point of the day for me was the piece of Linda’s cheesecake I ate…..SO VERY CREAMY and SO VERY GOOD!!!
We stopped at the library on the way home....and they had finally changed the outfit on the mascot dog:

I was home before 3 PM and vegged a bit with my honey before collapsing in a nap :~). Before I knew it, it was time to eat dinner and head out to the theatre.
Paula decided to come with us, in order to see me on stage (as I will not be ‘’acting’’ on Sunday when I go with a group of 20 people!) I think she really enjoyed it…and also got to see a bit of the stuff that happens backstage. We were home before 10:30 and read until almost mid-night before heading to bed.
*** Don’t ever let anyone tell you that fairytales aren’t real. I wake up every morning to drink a potion made from magic beans that brings me back to life. ***
Love your new ”do”