Michael made me breakfast (I swear some days I feel like TOAST is never coming back into my life!!!):

then packed up the car for quilting on Thursday (5/26). It was a good day…but definitely lonely without Loree there. We had great show and tell:

-this is the backing on the snowflake quilt:

-another Bonnie Hunter grassy creek:

-I love this one!

-Willa is whipping through these x-stitch:

-and a close up of one of the planes:

Show & Tell included 2 more quilts I took in for Beds=Dreams:

I am not sure I even have any tops/flimsies that large anymore….I’m so into making the smaller ones for dialysis….guess I’d better get my butt in gear and make some new, larger quilts.
I had errands to run on the way home, so didn’t get home until close to 3 PM. After that I spent time getting my blog out and getting caught up on emails before dropping back to working on the chandelier quilt (Sandy - check out no background spaces at top or bottom of any row):

The basting is all ripped out and the bobbin ends woven in…it just needs to be trimmed.
Michael bought shrimp cocktail at the grocery store…so that was dinner and I managed to cut a few new strips for the squiggle quilt:

before joining my honey for TV watching.
*** Scientists say the universe is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. They forgot to mention morons. ***
*** A dog accepts you as the boss... a cat wants to see your resume. ***
Love the quilting on the chandelier quilt !
Thank You Michael
Love the big snowflake and anything June does!