Current COVID related deaths: 705,293
COVID deaths as of Thursday: 702-915
Inez woke up VERY dizzy on Thursday (9/23), so we rested in the living room until around 10:30 when she was feeling better before heading off to quilting. Sandy has been a member of our quilting group for years, and her hubby Rick joined for the last couple of years. He passed away a short while ago and left several quilt tops behind. People have slowly been taking them and getting them quilted….these are all from Rick:

We had a bit more show and tell in addition to Rick's quilts:

We stopped at DOLLAR TREE and Harris Teeter on the way home before greeting June:

and Linda:

both of whom came by to check out the Texas Sheet Cake. I took in a customer quilt after they left…and I will just say that it is a good example of why I am not taking on any new customers. Paula came down for a good long visit after my intake.
Inez swung by 521 BBQ to pick up dinner, then watched another livestream of entertainment from people in Celtic Thunder; they are doing tours of Irish cities and some singing as they are not performing due to COVID. I got my blog out and got a tiny bit of fabric cutting done. We might not have done as much baking as we wanted….but we certainly got all caught up on our lives and the past and even a bit of the future :~).
Friday (9/25) Inez again woke up very dizzy. Although she didn’t feel 100% well, she was well enough for us to drive to the airport, leaving home at 10 AM for her flight home. I stopped at LOWE’s on the way home and was finally home by 12:30. I spent the next 4 hours sitting in the living room….reading!!! It was heaven!
Maybe it should have been called TALKING WITH INEZ 2021 TOUR, but we did make 4 new recipes: 2 different kinds of ginger cookies (Michael liked mine and everyone else like Inez’s), a mud cake and a Texas Sheet Cake, and Inez got to make 2 new-to-her recipes: Killer Pecan Sticky Buns and Popovers… 6 baking recipes during one week is not too shabby!
Michael has been having a terrific time with AJ…and has sent a bunch of pictures….

*** The oldest computer can be traced back to Adam & Eve.
Surprise!! Surprise!! It was an APPLE.
But with extremely limited memory....just 1 byte.
Then everything crashed. ***
*** Life is not a fairy tale. If you lose your shoe at mid-night, you're drunk! ***