Current COVID related deaths: 716,849
COVID deaths as of yesterday: 713,953
*** And after the huge jumps we've had in the numbers over the past few weeks, there was an excellent Guest Column in our local paper the other day:
Slo-mo repeat of Jonestown
On Nov. 18, 1978, an event in Jonestown, Guyana, occurred that shocked the world.
A cult leader, Jim Jones, ordered his followers to initiate a mass murder-suicide. A total of 918 individuals died, most by suicide and many by drinking poisoned Kool-Aid. One third of the deaths were minors, many children under 10, who were killed by, or with the approval of, their parents.
What was particularly shocking is that this event went against two fundamental imperatives that almost all life, all species, on this planet instinctively follows. Namely, protecting the young from harm, and self-preservation.
While it is true that suicide and infanticide do occur, it is usually not a mass event. It is usually considered an aberration, an unfortunate act done by an individual.
We are now watching Jonestown in slow motion.
In order to support and encourage an embittered, delusional old man, a mob of misguided Americans are fighting to expose themselves and their children to a proven deadly virus.
It is especially frightening that this cultish behavior is encouraged and supported as a movement within a political party. It is especially insidious that certain political leaders, who have sworn to protect their constituents, not only support, but also encourage this outrageous behavior.
We now see the impact of continuous repetition by media and political figures of propaganda denouncing our political system and the sciences.
We can only hope and pray that these misguided fellow Americans come to their senses.
Michael headed out for the second day of his tournament on Thursday (9/30), while I headed off to quilting. We had great show and tell:

-this is Sandy, also known as 'Sandy of one THOUSAND one inch pieces' for her quilts:

-well, she's turned into 'Sandy of one THOUSAND French knots' on this little sheep!!!

When I was home after 1 PM, I headed downstairs to do a lot of work on the computer. My honey came home around 3 PM….unhappy with his performace….he said he was just too tired to lift up the club....but so very pleased that his friend Larry (that’s who he goes to the movies with on Tuesday nights) WON the Silver Flight!!!
I finally finished up what I had to do by 3:30 and started to load up the second quilt:

Michael and I have been talking about our basement and have tentatively agreed to start looking into replacing the carpet with some other flooring. I posted a query on the SCCL FB page…and someone called us within 5 minutes!!! We headed over there to check out their flooring and it looks like exactly what I was thinking of….so we’re going to set some things in motion for that.
When we came home, Michael took a shower and had cereal for dinner before leaving for rehearsal, while I continued to load up my customer quilt:

He got home kinda late, so we just watched a couple of repeats of YOUNG SHELDON before heading to bed. The new season starts next week! And don't forget....CALL THE MIDWIFE and GRANTCHESTER new seasons start this coming Sunday on PBS. If you're not watching them....YOU SHOULD BE :~).
*** Let’s admit it: We put ‘’made with love’’ on our creations because ‘’made with cursing, 2 trips to the fabric sore and lots and lots of wine’’ just won’t fit on a cute little label. ***
The lady with the knots is knuts!