I had a horrible night of fitful sleep on Wednesday night, then finally must have fallen into a deep, deep sleep around 6 AM. Never heard my honey get up and dressed on Thursday morning (5/18) and finally he came in at 8 AM when I was dead to the world and having a dream. He hesitantly woke me up and said ‘’don’t you have to take a shower and get moving?’’ For some reason, I felt like I was in a fog all day…I hit the bank and the vet’s on the way to quilting, and spent the morning folding fabric to get our quilting closets looking a bit better. We had show and tell:

-you need to really study this...it is an incredible quilt, which took a long time for just the placement as there were lots and lots of things placed partially on top of one another. This pattern was called "how will we get there''?

and here’s extra show and tell from the period when the blog was down:
-June taught a class on scrappy applique and when I saw everyone's, I was sorry I didn't take the class :~)

I headed to the laundromat after that to wash 4 quilts that I hope to take to dialysis tomorrow. Then it was off to the chiro, and back to the vet’s to pick up a second prescription for Cookie, before finally getting home around 3 PM. I spent a good bit of time running emails and getting my blog out, before taking a quick half hour nap. My honey decided to take me out to dinner, so we headed for Bonefish Grill. We started with beef & ginger potstickers, and then I had cod stuffed with crab:

and he had one of the specials, which was butterfish:

It certainly lived up to its name, the texture was incredibly silky and smooth.
We were home just after 8 PM and finally watch the final of SPRING BAKING CHAMPIONSHIP, just in time since SUMMER BAKING CHAMPIONSHIP just started
taping :~).
*** Having plans sounds like a good idea until you have to put on clothes and actually leave the house. ***
Everyone does such gorgeous work!
More beautiful quilts, what a talented group!
scrappy applique is easy but you don't save scraps😐
Thanks for the pictures . What great show n tell, sorry I had to miss it,, but with your pictures I feel like I didn’t miss anything.