Wednesday morning (2/5) I SKYPE’d with Janice before heading out to a hearing aid appointment at 11 AM. I got through with that….stopped at Pizza Hut for lunch….came home and cut some strips for a Thursday project, then left to have a cavity filled at the dentist. I wasn’t home until 6 PM and even though it didn’t seem like I did anything during the day….I was pooped!
Michael packed the car for my Thursday morning (2/6) and I headed out to quilting with yeast rolls as my contribution to lunch! We had wonderful show & tell:
I had a good time talking to lots and lots of people, and got binding made for 3 quilts before heading for home around 3 PM. I could NOT get going once I got home…I was in a lot of pain with my back…so Michael took Freya up to the dog park and I lazed (and maybe dozed) out on the lanair as the weather was gorgeous.
Michael had leftover soup and cornbread for dinner, and I skipped it…still too full from lunch!
Friday morning (2/7) I picked up Sally and we headed out to breakfast at the FAMOUS TOASTERY. We both got quiche:
and had a lovely time solving all the problems of the world.
I was home around 11:30 AM, in time to FINALLY (after 3 weeks without) take delivery on a new microwave!!!!!!
It has definitely been hard to be without a microwave for 3 weeks....we are very grateful it is finally here!
I hit the studio after that to start loading up Sandy’s quilt, but only got the backing and batting loaded before being sucked back into cutting and cutting and more cutting! I decided since I was cutting ''men's fabric'' for a Beds=Dreams quilt, I could also cut it into different sizes for a different quilt (curvy rectangles) to take as a project to QUAP, so that consumed the rest of the day:
BG texted me to see if I had written up a pattern for WALK ABOUT.....I pulled up my pattern, and wasn't sure it was totally right, so I went looking in my ''tops'' closet and low and behold, I found the one I made:
My directions were definitely off, so I got them corrected and then really looked at this quilt. I hate making square quilts....which is how this one is usually depicted, so I added the additional rows. But now, the quilt is at a size that I definitely won't use it. I contacted Janice since I know she is making quilts for a local Women & Children's shelter, and luckily, if I cut down the border just a bit, it will be the perfect size. Now I just have to work on backing and binding and getting it quilted, and off to her house it will go!
And 10 years ago....
*** I want to be 14 again & ruin my life differently. I have new ideas. ***
*** Apparently RSVP'ing to a wedding invitation with "Maybe next time"
isn't the correct response. ***
3 weeks without a microwave. I would have starved, or at least a lot of leftovers would have been thrownout.
Those pictures of us from 10 years ago make me feel 10 years older!