Michael packed up the car, I picked up Nancy, and we headed off to quilting on Thursday (6/13). I got a bit more done on my QoV and it is now officially too big to work on at Scrap Happy anymore, so I brought it home and will have to think of a new Thursday project in 2 weeks (we are off next week).
We had some great show and tell:
-Pam, you missed these 2 THREE YARD QUILTS from Donna

-this was the class today....a Dresden table topper

and I didn’t get home until 3 PM as we had a meeting afterwards to figure out the ‘’changing of the guards’’ for July and beyond. We had a fun time discussing everything…I think we need to do that a bit more often!
I buckled down to sewing after I talked with my honey about his golf (he’s been playing 9 holes on Thursdays with Ed, a friend of his) and I got the FINAL 2 Teal splendor columns done…..YAY!!!!!

The temps were once again in the 60’s when we got up on Friday (6/14), so Michael and Freya went for a walk, and I opened the house up and fired up the oven. This must be my week for ‘’wrapping dough around cylinders’’…Monday was Lady Locks, Wednesday was Turkish cigars and this morning again was Turkish cigars. You have to let the dough cool completely on the metal cylinders…and I only bought 1 set to start with, as I wasn’t sure I was going to like what I made….so I can only make 12 at a time. Now I have 24 ‘’cigars’’ (of varying lengths):

and I will have to make up my cream and get them filled…maybe tomorrow. Then I’ll get some taste testers and make a decision about how much I like them and whether or not to get more cylinders. I had some leftover phyllo dough, which I spread with melted butter, spinkled with cinnamon/sugar and crumpled up to bake:

Michael made fun of it when he saw it ready to go in the oven, but by the time he and Freya were back from their walk, it was baked and he snarfed a couple down and thought it was GREAT!!!
He brought me a wonderful breakfast:

along with a beautiful rose for inspiration:

before getting busy.
Our electricity went out for about 10 minutes overnight….so Michael spent a good bit of time getting our computers/WIFI/TV’s up and running correctly again. Then he settled in to put a second coat of chalkboard paint on my little food signs:

Luckily XENA was not affected (she’s always totally unplugged when I’m not using her), so she got fired up and I continued quilting my customer quilt. The pattern takes a full 30 minutes to stitch just one row….so it is kinda slow going. The quilt was kinda bumpy, so again, I had to watch every stitch, but Michael got into the quilting swing and laid out some blocks that I think I did at Fiber Floozies last year:

Originally when I bought these charm packs, I tried to buy a yard of coordinating fabric, as I knew I would need a border or two, but they were all sold out. Then, before I started either project, I thought maybe I could use the leftovers from Teal Splendor to go with this....but they are obviously WAY different:

I might be able to use the darkest color on Teal Splendor for a border, but that would be it...I'll have to audition it once the charms are all together.
And….I picked up yet another new quilt customer from Tree Tops!!! I swear…they have my name and number up on a bathroom wall saying ‘’for a good quilting time…call Deb!!!’’
I finally stopped at 7 PM and the customer quilting was finished….and all cleaned up except for the trimming:

Michael and I decided we needed a date night, so it was champagne:

and puffy things:
-shrimp dumplings

for dinner. I said ‘’just because’’…and he said ‘’yes…just because our life is perfect’’! We spent the entire night watching our show AS TIME GOES BY, which we haven't watched in FOREVER!!!
*** Dear Quilt Shop Owner, Don’t ask what I’m making with the fabric….I’m running out of code words for ‘’it’s going in my fabric stash.’’ ***
*** Whoever said Disney is the happiest place on earth…has never been to a quilt fabric store! ***
Love all of the Show and Tell, your new quilt customer's quilt, and the rose is gorgeous!
Love the “call Deb for a good quilting time!” And why does the Dresden table topper have a hole in it?
Those shrimp dumplings (puffies) look yummmmmy. And I love the Brightly quilt
I wanna be a taste tester 🥰
Sounds like both of you got so much accomplished!