I don't think our politicians care at all about the next generation....do you? The shooting in Texas was the 30th this year! It doesn't even shock people anymore...and our elected officials consistently vote against ANY gun legislation because the NRA is too deep in their pockets...making them rich. NO ONE needs to own an AK47 rifle, unless you are a member of the military...using it in a war. If you care about this at all, maybe you should look up the record of voting on this topic for your elected officials...and make your votes count that way.
Michael was up at 6 AM for golf on Wednesday (5/25)…I just lazed in bed and even managed to fall back asleep…something that RARELY happens. I did my morning puzzles and ate breakfast (yoghurt, sunflower seeds, raspberries & blackberries for those of you who asked!) before heading to the studio to continue quilting. By NOON the quilting on green chandelier was done:

As I mentioned, that’s my 200th quilt on XENA and quilt # 488 since I started longarmming in 2014. That’s only about a quilt per week (exact average is 61 quilts per year)…but I’ll take it! I’ve gotta leave time for the other stuff in my life (baking, reading, piecing, etc). I didn’t clean it up right away…instead I started working on my second ‘’blues’’ quilt….Loree and Robin (Thursday quilters) really want to use the Bonnie Hunter ruler and make the squiggle quilt. I didn’t have good directions written for that quilt…so I spent some time on Monday and Tuesday getting some stuff down on paper. Now I have to follow my directions, and see if they’re right:

Michael was home just before 2 PM…crowing because his score was 17 strokes better than last week…..he had an 83 today.
I got a call in the evening from my friend Loree…

she spent a lot of the day in the emergency room….she had an accident at home, she fell outside…had a goose egg on her head, but an MRI showed no concussion, so that was good…but she has a severely sprained left wrist/hand and a broken left foot….PLEASE add her to your prayer lists. Those of you who have visited me certainly know Loree, and you know she deserves any prayers you can spare! If you are interested in making a meal for Loree and Reg, please contact me and we can discuss details, as she is going to be off of her foot for a long time.
Michael had raviolis for dinner, while I had leftovers from the chicken sausage and I knit while we watched TV in the evening.
My honey took a pic of Cookie on their walk this morning:

*** I came, I saw, I forgot what I was doing. Retraced my steps, got lost on the way back, now I have no idea what's going on. ***
*** The officer said, "You drinking?" I said, "You buying?" We just laughed and laughed.... I need bail money. ***
Are we drinking tonight?
Congrats on your quilting milestone !!! I'll never forget your perseverance on your first machine ! 😍