Current COVID related deaths: 680,282
COVID deaths yesterday: 679,407
Michael was up at o’dark hundred and out the door before 7 AM for golf at Lancaster on Monday morning (9/13). I felt my usual malaise-after-Janice-leaves, but finally Paula called and got me up and moving :~). Although I am chomping at the bit to start a new quilt top…I FORCED myself to continue working on Squiggle. I got all of the rows sewn together before I left in the late afternoon:

I still need to add 2 borders, and piece a backing for it.
While I was working, someone else was enjoying the newly covered ironing boards:

(I just saw an ad for GRANTCHESTER on PBS….the new season is starting October 3rd. If you’re not watching it….you should be!! And in advance of October 3rd, you should see if you can find the older episodes streaming somewhere….IT IS EXCELLENT!!!)
I had a massage in the late afternoon, and after a quick dinner of leftover Chinese, Michael left to try out for a play at Fort Mill. I don’t know if he’s going to get into this play….he talked to the director and told her that if there will be unvaccinated actors in the play, she does not need to offer him a part as he will not accept. The director knew some of the people who will be trying out Tuesday night, and one is a big Tr*** supporter, who believes everything Tr*** and FOX news have said…still believes the election was full of fraud…..and COVID is just a hoax….I guess all of the deaths are just a hoax and he is not and will not be vaccinated. The director herself is not happy about that as she is immuno-compromised and has already had the vaccine and booster. So, we will see.
I thought I would sew while Michael was gone, but for some reason I was just beat and rocked in my studio chairs and watched TV. He was home by 8:30 PM and to cheer ourselves up (it's depressing thinking about all of the unvaccinated people who have put us right back into the mess!), we watched the last 2 episodes of THE GREAT BRITISH BAKING SHOW.
Speaking of baking....BG jumped on the bandwagon with some blackberry crumble bars:

*** I hate it when you can’t figure out how to operate the IPAD, and the resident tech expert is asleep.
Because he’s 5.
And it’s past his bedtime. ***
I love the squiggle quilt