Current COVID related deaths: 677,754
COVID deaths yesterday: 677,037
Michael was up at 6 AM on Saturday (9/11) for a very early tee time here at SCCL. I was up about an hour later and kind of relaxed in the living room and kept thinking about going back to bed! But, eventually I had some breakfast and made my way down to the studio. I kept filling in the ‘holes’ in my quilt and eventually all of my blocks were done:

I still need to cut 6-1/2 inch white squares for the top or bottom of each row...and sew it all together. Then I'll think about borders.....probably a skinny white one and then a bigger one of one of the colors in the quilt. I'm hoping to quilt this one up right away, because I just love it!!!
Most of this quilt was definitely done by the BG/MJ method, as I was so anxious to see how it turned out :~)!!! I do kinda wanna make it again right away, but with a different block size…and using the Bonnie Hunter ruler for the half square triangles so that I could make a start on good directions for this quilt….but you can be sure on that one I’ll be dropping back to the OCD Debbie method :~). Of course, I have another pattern that I showed Janice when she arrived and told her I would do that right after the squiggle quilt….and then this morning I decided I had better do my ‘’charms on point’’ quilt for myself…at home rather than retreat because I really have to lay it out on a design wall in order to sew it together correctly, and there probably won't be any design walls at the retreat center….can you say SQUIRREL!!!
I spent some time after that cutting padding and covering fabric for my 2 table top ironing boards. I will be taking them to the Fiber Floozie retreat (in about 5 weeks) and they were pretty grungy….and my honey volunteered to recover them. I got padding from Joanne & Larry, and Janice bought that gray ironing board fabric for me at Joann’s yesterday.
Janice was working on finishing up her quilting…and by 1 PM… she was all done:

She finally stopped for a bite before cleaning up her quilt and getting it off of the frame. By then it was a beautiful afternoon and we retired to the lanair to read and talk and enjoy the outdoors....everyone was there:

(although I couldn't get good pics of Lucy & Ethel). I watched 3 mourning doves take a nap on the rail fence between us and our neighbor Joe…it was totally cool :~).
It was pesto pizzas for dinner again, and Janice and I retired to the studio to watch several MIDSOMER MYSTERIES and talk and get a label done for her quilt:

*** I hate it when I gain 10 pounds for a role…and then realize that
I’m not an actress… ***
Can we get a full pic of Janices quilt ? Is it a variation of 4 patch frenzy ?