On Wednesday morning (4/12), Charlie took on the challenge of my 2 color starburst quilt….and NAILED IT:

Now, the chances of me laying this out correctly are pretty nil, but I will be at QUAP with other people who hopefully do not have as much of a problem with diagonals as I do :~).
I had a massage at lunchtime, then came home and finally basted the first blue quilt:

while Michael, Susan & Charlie headed to the library to see my quilts, and then Springs Insurance to see my quilt, and then finally to the European Market to pick up fresh peirogis for dinner!!!!
We all sat on the lanair and talked all afternoon (although I did get an icebox cake made for Michael and Susan – a childhood favorite), and finally started to pull dinner together:

-a great Casear salad & pierogis....

We had a great time working together and dinner was EXCELLENT! We played a little LINKE in the evening, followed by SCREWED…where I was THE BIG LOSER!!!! We were watched over by Ethel:

*** Sometimes before bed time I fall asleep on the couch…it’s my little sleep appetizer….my nappetizer. ***
A great time was had by all!