My honey was up and out BEFORE 7 AM on Monday (5/13) for golf, so I hopped up at 7 AM as I had a lot I wanted to accomplish. First up was cleaning up my latest customer quilt and getting it off of the frame:

Then I headed to the kitchen….June and I bought strawberries on the way home from our mini-retreat and I had yet to process them into jam….so that was next on my list:

Although….I didn’t really want to make jam as I kept eating them and they were SO GOOD!!! After I got them out of the water bath…I spent 45 minutes reading in the living room....and listening to one of those very pleasant sounds that made me smile each time it happened….my canning jar lids popping as they slowly sealed :~).
After that I headed back to the studio. I wanted to keep pushing ahead on my TEAL SPLENDOR (the name I am going to be using :~), so I got all of the strata I had cut and sewn.... ironed, and started to cut more blocks. I'm going to start sewing it together each row at a time....I'm pretty sure I'll need more strata, but I'm going to wait to make absolutely sure just how many more blocks I need. My honey came home at NOON with an 87 and 1 birdie!!! He was a happy camper!
I felt very productive when I looked at my dry bar, with 3 quilts waiting to be picked up:

….and 2 of my customers came by and did just that in the afternoon.
I started to sew together the first column of teal splendor and continued to cut my HST’s for a new project (only 2 more colors to go):

before leaving for knitting before 6 PM.
We had a wonderful class…but it was a bit sad as it was my last one for awhile….I’ve been teaching knitting weekly at the library since October and I need a break….I did ask them about meeting here at the house at least once a month…and they all seemed enthusiastic.
I stopped and bought vanilla ice cream on the way home… know how you always have a bit of sauce/jam left over that won’t fill up a pint jar? Well, I put that in the fridge this morning and when I came home…Michael and I made fabulous strawberry sundaes:

They were absolute heaven!!!!
And lucky friend Mary Lee saw Northern Lights in the mountains of North Carolina....check out these pink blobs over the mountain:

Remember Red Skelton? Well...
1. Two times a week we go to a nice restaurant, have a little beverage, good food and companionship. She goes on Tuesdays, I go on Fridays.
2. We also sleep in separate beds. Hers is in California and mine is in Texas.
I never knew the canning jar lids 'popped' ! Strawberry sundaes... Yumm !
I used to make strawberry jam every year, but haven’t been able to lately. That “ping!” of the jar lid sealing was always music to my ears!
Cool photo Mary Lee- Cool Strawberry Sundae for us!!!