Current US COVID related deaths: 960,157
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 959,412
Sunday (2/20) was a terrific day! We had a lazy morning, sleeping late and eating breakfast when it was almost 11 AM! I spent the rest of the day in the studio…working on my customer quilt. I had it basted before I left on retreat, so it was a matter of setting up the program and winding bobbins before kicking off the quilting:

Michael ran out to the paint store for a small can to touch up the wall where we decided some things had to move…we got all of the places painted, and once it dries I’m really looking forward to hanging stuff up again.
I got another box emptied…most of the fabric I found in it will be given away….I’m sure it was donated to me…it has a lot of kid’s prints. I know a woman in Scrap Happy who does those ‘’little dresses for Africa’’ and she has now completed ONE THOUSAND!!!!! I think most of it will be perfect for those. The big pile is being given away…and I’ll be keeping the small pile:

I also did intake on another customer quilt….I have 3 in the wings….I need to get cracking!
I got all but the last row done on my customer quilt before dinner…when we decided to finally celebrate our downstairs being finished…and my safely returning from retreat:

Yep, champagne and puffy things while we binge watched the first 3 episodes of the second season of RESIDENT ALIEN.
Michael came to the studio before leaving on Monday (2/21) for a late tee time to put up one of my design walls. I have had my ‘’charms on point’’ blocks sewn and cut since before I left for retreat…but there is NO WAY I could sew them together without first laying out on a design wall.
After we got that up, I turned on XENA and finished my customer quilt:

before chowing down on my typical breakfast…provided by my honey:

then got to layout my own quilt (remember...this is the one I will be keeping downstairs for any afternoon naps :~):

Then I started sewing it together:

I took breaks during the day to write-up the blog post for our QUAP retreat…and to write several sympathy notes :~(. I didn’t get any new boxes cleared out in the basement as I spent so much time on my computer…but I had to get certain things done. Finally by 6:30 PM I was pooped and headed upstairs for some Mexican Chicken soup and snuggling with my honey.
I forgot to tell you that Arizona Mary got a new nickname while on retreat.....she's now to be known as AMP.....Arizona Mary Poppins! Remember that scene in Mary Poppins where she takes all of that stuff out of her carpet bag, including a coat rack? Well, AMP flew to retreat...and we could not believe how much fabric and how many craft boxes she managed to fit into her well as 2 bolts of fabric!!!!

*** A man asked a fairy to make him desirable and irresistible to all women….so she turned him into a credit card. ***
I’m Sure I could have found some space for one or two of them as well. I wanted to make sure I didnt leave anything important at home
AZM --where are the clowns you are keeping in your suitcase?
I think 8 am either going to make my blocks on point a little longer so that it is no longer a square. It’s too big right now for my wall hanging space.
From your Pictures, your stars on point went together quite easily.😁guess that could be because pictures don’t show the time it took to get that far, you should have had Micheal videoing you laying it out. 😃 I Iike how the pictures showed your chain piecing process.